Redundancy Rescue - What you can do to prepare

Redundancy Rescue - What you can do to prepare

Are you worried about being made redundant in the near future? Can you survive a few months without your main source of income?

Redundancy has become a serious issue in the Resources Industry, and often we aren’t prepared for losing our main source of income. In light of this, Acorn Life Path and The Resources Hub have teamed up to help prepare you and your family for redundancy.

What can you do right now to prepare your family for a redundancy? Communication is the key to surviving hard times and a redundancy can put a lot of pressure on your family and have lasting effects on your Relationship if you aren’t prepared to communicate.

We want to know – Are you prepared financially to undergo a few months without an income? Do you have realistic expectations on how long it will take to land another job? Do you know what to do with a severance package or have you been left in the lurch with no payout? These are all legitimate questions you should be discussing with your family in preparation of what may come. By preparing for the worst, you’ll be much more prepared and able to recover quicker than those that are unprepared.

So what can you do to prepare?

  • Update your CV
  • Understand today’s job market (especially if you have been in your current position for a long time – times have changed A LOT!)
  • Know your family’s expenses
  • Find your money leakages and plug the holes
  • Find extra money, sell some unused items
  • Learn how to manage your creditors the right way
  • Make the decisions as a family
  • Say NO to unnecessary spending

This process can be very overwhelming, especially if you have experienced a redundancy recently and you are already in a heightened state of emotions. Identifying where you can reduce your living expenses can be difficult. Money Leakages may not be as obvious and this is where Acorn Life Path can step in to help.

Redundancy Rescue Webinar or Workshop Series

  • Shortly Acorn Life Path and The Resources Hub will be running a Webinar Series or 
  • Workshop called Redundancy Rescue. We will be covering in depth:
  • How to set up job search alerts and stay ahead of the game
  • Set up your LinkedIn profile and the importance of social media
  • Stop the money leakage and how to handle your creditors
  • How to keep your relationship strong and working as a team
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