Non Metallic Minerals


Kyanite is a mineral commonly found as a bladed crystal but sometimes as a mass of crystals. It is often associated with corundum, staurolite and garnet.



The crystallised mineral kyanite is mostly found in metamorphic rocks, being formed as a result of high pressure alteration of clay minerals during the metamorphism of sedimentary rocks. It is typically found as a bladed crystal although there are many examples of it occurring as masses of radiating crystals. Because of it being a metamorphic mineral, it is closely associated with staurolite, garnet and corundum.

The name kyanite comes from the Greek word “kuanos” which means, deep blue, as most kyanite examples are found as a blue silicate mineral in aluminium rich surroundings. Kyanite is also known as; cyanite, rhaeticite and disthene.

There are three minerals containing the same chemical composition, Al2sio5, these being; kyanite, sillimanite and andalusite. Kyanite being formed as a high pressure polymorph, andalusite a low pressure polymorph and sillimanite that forms at high temperatures.

The Uses of Kyanite:

Refractory products such as bricks, mortar and general kiln furniture that can withstand high temperatures in furnaces
Moulds used in the casting of high temperature metals
Products used in the railway and automotive industry that require heat resistance such as
clutch facings and brake shoes
High refractory strength porcelain such as the white porcelain used in spark plugs
Porcelain in bathroom fixtures, sinks and dentures
Grinding and cutting wheels in industry, as part of the binding agent that hold the abrasive particles together
A prized gemstone. Kyanite is used as beads and pendants. It is unique in that it never need cleaning as it doesn't absorb negative energy.

Unlike most minerals, kyanite significantly expands when heated. The expansion depends on the particle size but it is able to be expanded to twice its original size by heating. The expansion is predictable which makes it a valuable asset when manufacturing some refractory products that shrink when exposed to heat. An amount of kyanite can be added to take up this shrinking that allows the original volume to be retained.

Kyanite is an aluminium silicate mineral that can be translucent with a pearly sheen, or it can be transparent. Its most common colour is blue with a white, black, green or indigo streak. Some forms of kyanite can occur in a yellow, pink, grey or white colour and more recently an orange coloured kyanite has been located in Tanzania. Kyanite was once called Disthene, a word which means two strengths because of its two different hardnesses on its perpendicular axis and its ability to cleave perfectly it two directions.

Kyanite is Claimed to Possess Special Unique Attributes

Kyanite is held in high esteem in many cultures as a means of healing for both spiritual and physical ailments. It is claimed to have unique metaphysical properties and special healing energies and an extraordinary crystal of connection that is capable of opening centres of the mind, it is claimed to enhance psychic and telepathic abilities and able to bridge gaps in communication. For these reasons it is regarded as being good Feng Shui.

Kyanite is mined in Western Australia at the Allied Eneabba Deposit that also mines zircon, ilmenite and monazite. It is also found in Montana and North Carolina in the United States, Myanmar, Brazil and Switzerland.

Australian Mines that produce Kyanite

Williamstown (SA)
The Williamstown kaolin deposit in the Mount Lofty Ranges of South Australia, 40 kilometres from Adelaide, is now owned by Unimin Australia Limited.

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