Mine Details

Wiluna uranium project




Address: Level 3, 33 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA, 6005 

State:  Level 3, 33 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA, 6005




The Wiluna Uranium Project, that is located 960 kilometres north east ofPerth, is on track to become the first uranium mine to operate in Western Australia and the sixth to operate in Australia.

Wiluna Uranium Project is Wholly Owned by Toro Energy Limited

The Wiluna Uranium Project, that is wholly owned by Toro Energy Limited, received final government environmental approval to develop the Centepede and Lake Way uranium deposits, that are part of the Wiluna Uranium Project in April, 2013. In November, 2013, Toro Energy Limited purchased the Lake Maitland uranium deposit from Mega uranium and added it to its Wiluna development. The Lake Maitland deposit is situated 90 kilometres south east of its Wiluna Project. Its acquisition increased the total Wiluna contained uranium oxide concentrate resource base to 76.5 million pounds, sufficient to run the Wiluna Project for at least 25 years.

Environmental Approvals Already Granted for Much of the Wiluna Uranium Project

It was announced in February, 2015, that the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia, had approved the Environmental Scoping Report, submitted by Toro Energy, to allow extensions to its Wiluna Uranium Project. Toro Energy had previously received the necessary environmental approvals from both the Federal and Western Australian governments to build a processing plant to facilitate the mining of the Lake Way and Centepede deposits. Toro Energy also plans to integrate its Millipede uranium deposit into its greater Wiluna Uranium Project. Toro acquired Millipede in 2011, it is located adjacent to its Centipede deposit.

Wiluna Uranium Project to use one Central Processing Plant

All the Wiluna Uranium Project deposits will use the one central ore treatment plant that is to be situated adjacent to the Millipede and Centipede deposits. The company is confident all outstanding environmental assesments will be completed during 2016. The total number of Uranium deposits available to be mined within the Wiluna Uranium Project currently stands at six, these are; Centipede, Lake Way, Millipede, Lake Maitland, Dawson-Hinklerand Nowthanna. The company also holds tenements extending throughout the Wiluna Land Package and the Firestrike prospect that is fast approaching the drill ready status.

Figures based on mining the already approved Lake Way and Centipede deposits, as well as the not yet approved Lake Maitland and Millipede deposits, have indicated those operation alone would give the Wiluna Uranium Project a mine of life of at least 16 years. It is expected these deposits would be able to mine 20.1 million tonnes of ore grading at 799 parts per million as well as 15.9 million tonnes grading at 907 parts per million. It is also expected that for the first ten years the project would process head grade ore at a level of 883 parts per million.

The Wiluna Uranium Mine is one of only a few new uranium producing projects worldwide that would have the capacity to bring increased supplies of uranium into production when it is anticipated there will be a shortfall during the second half of the 2000's.

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