Mine Details

Wilcherry hill




Address: 307 Pulteney Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000 

State:  307 Pulteney Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000




The Wilcherry Hill magnetite mine in the Northern Eyre Peninsula Region of South Australia, 40 kilometres north of Kimba and 130 kilometres from Whyalla, is expecting to export one million tonnes of iron ore in its first year of production and doubling this to two million tonnes in its second year.

The Wilcherry Hill Project is a Joint Venture Operation Involving IronClad Mining and Trafford Resources

The Wilcherry Hill mine is being developed by IronClad Mining Limited as a joint venture with Trafford Resources. Ironclad Mining Limited was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in July 2007 for the purpose of developing an iron ore mine at the Wilcherry Hill deposit. In 2007, the joint venture partner, Trafford Resources, indicated the Wilcherry Hill iron ore project would be a viable operation depending on iron ore prices at the time. Since that time the project has been progressively developed by improving the resource definition and undertaking environmental, metallurgical, infrastructure and social studies and approvals.

Wilcherry Hill Tenements Cover 976 Square Kilometres

The Wilcherry Hill project consists of four tenements that cover an area of 976 square kilometres and contains natural bushland as well as low density sheep grazing on land held by the Buckleboo and Nonning sheep stations. Access is gained from the Eyre Highway from Kimba, followed by graded service roads and pastoral station tracks.

Wilcherry Hill Workers to be Accommodated in Kimba

The Wilcherry Hill project contains an iron ore resource of 24.3 million tonnes grading at 40 percent of iron a tonne that is able to be mined as an open cut operation because of its near surface iron mineralisation. It is planned to have production commence in 2014. A mine workers village is to be provided at Kimba and the iron ore exported out of Lucky Bay by means of a transhipping system of ship loading.
Wilcherry Hill Mine's Three Development Stages:

> Stage one of the mining operation will be to develop a low cost direct shipping ore (DSO) producing up to one million tonne a year. Stage two will begin the beneficiation phases needed to to produce magnetite concentrate. The first two years of Wilcherry Hill stage one DSO production has already been pre-sold to Chinese steel mills under a sales contract and marketing agreement. Fifty percent of years three and four has been contracted through an offtake arrangement with Chinese company, New Page Investments.
> Stage two will involve the increasing of production to between four and five million tonnes a year by combining the DSO product with two million tonnes of magnetite concentrate by the end of year three.
> Stage three will involve the incorporating of the Hercules project with Wilcherry Hill mine production. The Hercules ore body has an indicated and inferred JORC resource of 198 million tonnes and is expected to increase total output to between 10 and 12 million tonnes of iron ore a year by 2015/16.

IronClad Mining Limited is proceeding with the development of the Wilcherry Hill iron ore and manganese projects and have been give approval by the South Australian government to also develop the port of Lucky Bay for its export requirements.

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