Mine Details





Address: 67 St Pauls Terrace, Spring Hill, QLD, 40009 

State:  67 St Pauls Terrace, Spring Hill, QLD, 40009




The Westmoreland Uranium Project is located in northern Queensland,adjacent to the border with the Northern Territory, about 400 kilometres north north west of Mount Isa. The project is wholly owned by a private company, Tackle Resources Pty Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of Canadian based, Laramide Resources Limited. Laramide is listed on both the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Australian Securities Exchange.

Westmoreland Uranium Project Contains Large Resource Base

The Westmoreland Uranium Project contains a mineral resource of 36 million pounds of uranium within an ore body totaling 18.7 million tonneswith an average grade of 0.089 percent uranium. The project also contains another inferred mineral resource of 15.9 million pounds of uranium contained within an ore body of nine million tonnes with an average grading of 0.083 percent uranium.

Westmoreland Uranium Project can be a low Cost Producer of Uranium

The Westmoreland Uranium Project is regarded as being one of the best development stage uranium deposits in the world that is not under the control of a major mineral producing company. It is also one of only a small number of known uranium deposits in the world that is able to be further developed economically under present (2015) world uranium prices.

Westmoreland to be Developed as an open cut Mining Operation

The Westmoreland Uranium Project, that is able to be developed as an open cut mining operation, is currently at an advanced exploration and delevopment stage, as significant work in these areas has been carried out in the past by the project's former owner Rio Tinto. Laramide acquired the Westmoreland Uranium Project from Rio Tinto in the latter half of 2005. Since that time Laramide has further advanced the project through carryingout a series of exploratory drilling programs that have allowed it to update its resource estimates, as well as carry out further metallurgical and environmental studies.

Around 80 percent of the uranium resource held within the Westmoreland Project lies within 50 metres of the surface, this will allow for a low stripping ratio open cut operation to be undertaken in order to economically access the deposit. Metallurgical tests carried out to date have indicated a high uranium recovery is possible using conventional technology.

Westmoreland Uranium Deposits Discovered by MIM in 1956

The Westmoreland Uranium Project was discovered in 1956 by Mount Isa Mines (MIM) . It was owned by Rio Tinto from 1990 to 2000. During its ownership period Rio Tinto focused on producing a pre-feasibility study onthree uraniun deposits within the Westmoreland tenements, namely the, Junnagunna, Huarabagoo and Redtree deposits. The project area contains atotal of 42 uranium occurrences. However, the Rio Tinto work showed the mineralisation within the Westmoreland Uranium Project had high uranium recovery with low acid consumption and was amenable to acid leaching technology.

Laramide have more recently completed, in 2011, the collection of over two years of baseline environmental data. This data will allow Laramide toplace the Westmoreland Uranium Project in a position to be able to quicklycomplete an application for environmental approval when necessary. On receiving environmental approval Laramide will then be in a position to move the project towards the undertaking of a feasibility study and start the next development stage of the Westmoreland Project.

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