Mine Details

West seahorse




Address: VIC, 

State:  VIC,




The West Seahorse Oil Field is located 14 kilometres off the Gippslandcoast, in eastern Victoria, in 39 metres of water, in what is known as theGippsland Basin. It is operated by Carnarvon Hibiscus, a fully ownedsubsidiary company of Hibiscus Petroleum, a Malaysian based petroleumcompany.

West Seahorse Project Receives Major Project Facilitation Status

The West Seahorse Oil Field Project, that has received Australian Federal Government Major Project Facilitation status, giving it access to federal government assistance in the obtaining of Australian government approvals, such as that from NOPTA (National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administration), is to drill two oil producing wells with the use of a mobile offshore production unit, that is expected to require 100 workers in its construction stage.

West Seahorse to be Productive in 2015

It is expected that the West Seahorse Oil Field will be ready to startproducing oil in 2015 and continue doing so for the next four or five years.WorleyParsons Drilling were awarded the contract to complete theproject's Front End Engineering Design (FEED). When operational theWest Seahorse Oil Field is expected to initially produce up to 12,000barrels of crude oil daily from a resource of 9.2 million barrels ofrecoverable oil. It was initially believed the field contained 5.3 millionbarrels but this was increased to 9.2 million barrels following anindependent survey undertaken by Gaffney Cline and Associates (GCA).

The West Seahorse Oil Field was discovered by Hudbay Oil in 1981 in aformation of thick, stacked fluvial channel sandstone. In 1982 furtherdrilling was carried out and a third drillling using West Triton jack-up was completed by 3D Oil in 2008.

West Seahorse Development to use a Jack-up Drilling Rig

The development of the West Seahorse Oil Field will incorporate thedrilling of two production wells using a jack-up drilling rig. A jack-up rig sits on the sea floor in preference to floating rigs that are used in deeper water. The legs of the rig are fixed to the sea floor with the drilling equipment jacked up above the surface of the water. This set up allows for a stable drilling platform in comparison to other types of offshore rigs. The drilling rig will eventually be replaced by a MOPU (Mobile Offshore Production Unit) containing a hydraulic snubbing facility. The MOPU to be used at the West Seahorse Oil Field will consist of a modified jack-up fixed to the ocean floor. It will have its own processing facility and be able to remove water and flare gas, stabilise the crude oil and export it.

The water produced during processing will be placed back into the seafollowing treatment. The crude oil, after stabilising, will be taken through a four inch flexible flowline for a distance of 1.5 kilometres to a CALM (Catenary Anchor Leg Moored) buoy. From here it will be taken, via a flexible hose, to a FSO (Floating Storage Offloading) vessel before it will be either taken to a refinery or transferred to another vessel. The West Seahorse Oil Field is positioned 11 kilometres from Esso's offshoreplatform and 38 kilometres from the onshore Esso Longford Gas Plant.

West Seahorse oil Field Covers an Area of 483 Square Kilometres

The West Seahorse oil field permit was owned by 3D Oil from 2004 untilit entered a joint venture agreement with Hibiscus to develop the field.The oil field covers an area of 483 square kilometres of the GippslandBasin where around 57 percent of Australia's oil production has been produced. In July, 2014, Carnarvon Hibiscus Pty Ltd acquired all of 3D Oil's interests in the West Seahorse project.

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