Mine Details

Vera nancy


gold, silver, , Town Accommodation, DiDo


Address: , Charters Towers, QLD, 

State:  , Charters Towers, QLD,




The Vera Nancy gold mineralisation is the north west /south east trending structural corridor, that contains repeating lodes within the Pajingo Gold Field, that is mined as part of the Pajingo gold mining operation, which is located 53 kilometres south of Charters Towers and 150 kilometres south west of Townsville, in North Queensland. The Pajingo mines east west strike length is more than five kilometres long and goes to a depth of 800 metres from the surface.

The Vera Nancy Deposits are an Important Part of the Pajingo Gold Mine

The Pajingo gold mine, in which the Vera Nancy deposit is located, has been operated as an underground and open pit mine by Evolution Mining. Evolution Mining acquired the Pajingo mining operation in 2011. The underground mining of gold at the Pajingo mine is carried out using modified avoca and longhole open stoping methods. Once mined the ore is taken to the surface by haulage trucks using the decline. The open pit gold mining operation, that was discontinued in 2014, was carried out using conventional drilling, blasting, loading and hauling techniques. The mine produced 60,766 ounces of gold in 2014.

Vera Nancy Gold Deposits Discovered in 1994

The Vera Nancy group of mineralisation zones contain low sulphur, adularia sericite, high grade silver and gold orebodies that were originally discovered in 1994. Mining of the Vera Nancy lodes, that began in 1997, had a strike length of three kilometres and went to a depth of more than 400 metres. The Pajingo mine itself began with the exploiting of the Scott Lode in 1987 and continued unbroken as new deposits became identified within a circle of around seven kilometres covering an area of 140 square kilometres.

Vera Nancy Ore is Free Milling and Treated On-site

Ore mined at the Pajingo gold mine is free milling and is treated on site using the traditional crushing and grinding CIP processing technology that produces gold silver dore. The plant is capable of handling 650,000 tonnes a year. In the 2014 financial year 398,000 tonnes of ore was treated at the Pajingo gold treatment plant that returned an average grade of 4.96 grams of gold to each tonne of ore mined at a 96 percent recovery rate.

Pajingo Mine Workers Reside at Charters Towers

Evolution Mining is an Australian gold mining company that fully owns and operates five gold mining operations in Western Australia and Queensland. The 265 workers and contractors employed at the Pajingo gold mine reside in residential accommodation at Charters Towers.

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