Mine Details

Urquhart point




Address: 71 Lytton Road, East Brisbane, QLD, 4169 

State:  71 Lytton Road, East Brisbane, QLD, 4169




The Urquhart Point Heavy Mineral Sands Project is located on the westcoast of Cape York in far north Queensland, three kilometres south west of the town of Weipa. It is jointly owned by Chinese investment company, Ozore Pty Ltd (50 percent) and Oresome Australia Pty Ltd (50 percent), a fully owned subsidiary of Metallica Minerals. The joint venture agreement was signed in August, 2014 and is known as the Cape York HMS and Bx Joint Venture.

Urquhart Point HMS Project Being Developed by Consulmet Pty Ltd

The Urquhart Point HMS Project is to be developed in a simple dry mining method to a depth of around three metres that will be followed by wet sand mineral processing using standard spiral concentrators (gravity) along with heavy metal sand separation and concentration. Engineering company, Consulmet Pty Ltd, is developing the Urquhart Point HMS Project, with production expected by mid-2015.

No Chemicals Used in Processing of Urquhart Point Heavy Mineral Sands

The mineral sands processing to be utilised at the Urquhart Point HMS project will include separating the heavy metals by means of density and specific gravity. This will include minerals such as iron oxide and zircon-titanium that will be separated from the sand, that averages from six to 10 percent of heavy minerals, from lighter sand that contains calcareous sand and quartz. No chemicals will be required during this process in either the processing or concentration stage.

The heavy mineral sand processing plant at the Urquhart Point HMS Project will be capable of processing around 100 tonnes of sand an hour, which equates to around 240,000 tonnes a year, for a life of mine that is expected to last for about 5 years.

Urquhart Point HMS Project Feasibility Study Undertaken by IMC Mining Pty Ltd

The Feasibility Study undertaken into the Urquhart Point HMS Project was completed by IMC Mining Pty Ltd with the following results:
  • The separation plant will be one of conventional wet gravity, requiring no chemicals with its spiral concentration, in order to produce a heavy mineral concentrate of saleable quality.
  • The heavy mineral sand can be mined in a dry mining fashion going no deeper than three metres to be able to produce up to 240,000 tonnes a year
  • Current ore reserves point to a five year life of mine
  • Urquhart Point Mine to be Commissioned in mid 2015

    The Urquhart Point Joint Venture requires Ozore Pty Ltd to pay the cost ofdeveloping the project as well as financing the exploration of other tenements in the Cape York Region. Funding has been made available to complete the construction of the mine and all necessary infrastructure with commissioning of the project expected to occur in mid 2015. The development of the Urquhart Point Project will see the successful transition of Oresome Australia from being a mineral exploration and development company to that of being a mine operator.

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