Mine Details

Sulphur springs


copper, zinc, leadcamp, FiFo


Address: Level 2, 91 Havelock St, West Perth, WA, 6005 

State:  Level 2, 91 Havelock St, West Perth, WA, 6005




The Sulphur Springs underground copper mining project is beingdeveloped by VentureX Resources in the Western Pilbara Region ofWestern Australia, south of the Marble Bar Highway.

Sulphur Springs Underground Mine Gets Government Approval

VentureX Resources received approval from the Western AustraliaDepartment of Mines and Petroleum to proceed with the development of theSulphur Springs underground mine in 2014. The company now has all therequired approvals for ongoing development of the project. VentureXResources Limited is a fast growing resource company based in Perth thatis listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Sulphur Springs Mine to use Paste and Rock Fill for Ground Support

Mining at the Sulphur Springs Mine will be undertaken in a staged bottom up manner that will use a mixture of paste fill and rock fill for groundsupport. The cement based paste fill in transverse stopes will help themining sequence of primary and secondary stopes that will be minedadjacent to each other, therefore negating the need for permanent pillars.

Sulphur Springs Mine to be Developed in the Conventional Manner

The Sulphur Springs Mine will be developed using traditional drilling,blasting and excavation techniques common in most underground minesoperating in Australia. Access to the mine will be achieved by means of asingle central decline. The decline will run from the surface with lateraldevelopment while accessing the western and eastern ore bodies.

Sulphur Springs to be hub of Major Infrastructure Construction

Because of the Sulphur Springs Project being central to other VentureXResources mining projects, such as the Whim Creek and the Mons Cupriopen pits, the Sulphur Springs Project will be the site where the a onemillion tonnes a year processing plant is to be sited where it will receive ore from all other sites for processing. The main infrastructure construction to be carried out at the Sulphur Springs mine site includes the following:A sealed airstrip capable of handling 100 seat jet aircraftBore fields for accessing underground waterA diesel powered generator for electricity productionAdministration buildings and camp for mine workersMine portal and declineStorage facility for tailingsPaste plant and ore processing facilityA 61 kilometre access road to link up with the Marble Bar to Port HedlandHighway.

GR Engineering Design Sulphur Springs Mine

Engineering, costings and design of the Sulphur Springs Project, includingsurface infrastructure and the processing plant, was completed by GREngineering. Major design factors of the processing plant includes suchthings as; a paste plant to produce filtered tailings that are able to be placed underground as well as into a tailings storage area, a large concentrate storage and loading facility, separate tailings and concentrate thickeners, a two stage flotation circuit able to produce separate zinc and copper concentrate with room to allow for the later addition of a lead recovery circuit and a three stage crushing circuit with varying grinding sizes, from 55 to 80 micron, depending on the ore being processed.

Sulphur Springs Zinc to be Shipped to Japan

The zinc concentrate, produced from the Sulphur Springs underground orebody, is to be shipped to Japan, to Toho Zinc Limited. Toho Zinc willreceive the zinc concentrate under an acquisition agreement for theSulphur Springs deposit.

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