nickelMining Camp, FiFo
Level 2, 2 Kings Park Rd, West Perth, WA, 6005
State: Level 2, 2 Kings Park Rd, West Perth, WA, 6005
The Spotted Quoll underground nickel mine is a part of the Forrestania Nickel Project located 400 kilometres east of Perth in Western Australia. It was the second mine developed by its owner, Western Areas, who discovered the ore body midway through 2007. Production commenced at the Spotted Quoll Mine in mid 2009.
Spotted Quoll Contains a High Grade ore Body
The nickel grades achieved at the Spotted Quoll Mine often exceeds that of the highly rated Flying Fox Mine which is also a part of the Forrestania Nickel Project. It is planned that the Spotted Quoll Mine will produce up to 15,000 tonnes of high grade nickel a year for at least eight years from its initial commissioning, although ongoing exploration is expected to increase this mine of life prediction.
Spotted Quoll Began as the Tim King Open pit
Production at the Spotted Quoll Mine actually began at the Tim King open pit that ceased production in early 2012. During its three year lifetime the open pit produced 27,000 tonnes of contained nickel at a time when nickel prices were exceedingly low.
Stage One of the Underground Development Goes to 450 Metres
Stage one of the Spotted Quoll underground operations began in April 2011 with a portal being established at a depth of 75 metres at the western wall of the Tim King open pit. The first nickel ore produced from the Spotted Quoll underground workings occurred near the end of 2011. The first stage is planned to reach a depth of 450 metres. Ore reserves at the mine stand at over 1.7 million tonnes grading at 4.1 percent nickel. This will return 69,860 tonnes of contained nickel. Stage two of the operation is to extend the life of mine to beyond the first stage and to mine below the 450 metre level.
Barminco Wins Contract to Operate the Spotted Quoll Mine
The contract to develop and mine ore at the Spotted Quoll underground mine was awarded to Barminco. It was initially a three year contract that included development and production. Barminco already had a contract with Western Areas to operate its nearby Flying Fox underground operation. The decline built by Barminco is 5.5 metres wide by 5.7 metres high and the infrastructure has the capacity to increase production above the planned levels if required.
Spotted Quoll ore Processed at the Forrestania Nickel Concentrate Plant
Ore mined at the Spotted Quoll Mine is processed at the Forrestania Nickel Concentrate Facility that was commissioned for use in March 2009. This concentrator, that is located at the Cosmic Boy Mine, that is also part of the Forrestania Project, began by treating ore mined at the Flying Fox Mine. This ore processing plant uses the usual method of flotation technology in ore processing to produce nickel concentrate containing an average of 14 percent nickel. The mill was built to GR Engineering Services. The plant was expanded in 2009 to allow it to cater for the additional ore that was to come from the Spotted Quoll operation when it came online.
Spotted Quoll Mine Life Expected to be Extended
Exploratory drilling below the known ore reserve at the Spotted Quoll Mine has indicated that mineralisation occurs at twice the depth of the stage one development, that was limited to 450 metres. This indicates the
mine might well have a mine of life extending well beyond the current prediction of eight years and that annual production could be increased to beyond the 10,000 tonnes currently being planned for.