Mine Details

South kalgoorlie


gold, Town, DiDo


Address: L3,18-32 Parliament Pl, West Perth, WA, 6005 

State:  L3,18-32 Parliament Pl, West Perth, WA, 6005




The South Kalgoorlie gold mining operation, that is now owned by Metals X Limited, is located approximately 30 kilometres south of the historic gold mining town of Kalgoorlie, in the Eastern Goldfields Region of Western Australia.

South Kalgoorlie Mine acquired with Higginsville from Alacer

Metals X Limited acquired the South Kalgoorlie operation in October, 2013, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Westgold Resources Pty Ltd, when it took over the Australian Business Unit (ABU) assets of Alacer Gold Corporation, the takeover also included the nearby Higginsville gold mining operation.

South Kalgoorlie Gold Sourced from Open pit Mining

In July 2010 mining at the South Kalgoorlie operation was taking place in an open pit with the ore being processed by means of gravity and carbon-in-pulp technology. Proven and probable gold reserves stood at 1.7 million tonnes with a grading of 1.4 grams of gold a tonne, an amount that could be expected to return around 78,000 ounces of gold. The measured and indicated gold resource at the site at that time totalled 37.6 million tonnes grading at 2.1 grams a tonne that would return about 2,592,000 ounces of gold.

The South Kalgoorlie gold mine's main source of ore is currently derived from the Hampton-Boulder-Jubilee (HBJ) open pit gold mines, that extract gold from an ore body that is around 220 metres deep and 2.6 kilometres long. Mining of the HBJ open pits is undertaken with the use of excavators and haulage trucks.

South Kalgoorlie Mine Centred Around Jubilee Plant

The South Kalgoorlie gold mining operation is mainly centred around the Jubilee processing plant which utilises the conventional crushing, grinding, leaching and carbon-in-pulp gold processing circuit with a throughput of 1.2 million tonnes of ore annually. It is currently operated mainly as a toll processing plant. Metals X have stated its intention to shift the plant to its owned stocks of lower grade ore while it sources a longer term ore feed.

South Kalgoorlie Referred to as South Kal Mine

The South Kalgoorlie gold mine is often referred to as the South Kal Mine, a term referring to the merger of the Jubilee Gold Mine and the New Celebration Gold Mine by Harmony in 2002. Harmony sold its South Kal operations to Dioro Exploration in December, 2007. Avoca acquired the mine from Dioro in April, 2010. Avoca merged wuth Alacer Gold in 2011 and the mine remained in Alacer's hands until it was acquired by Metals X in 2013.

South Kalgoorlie Gold Mine Plant Working on Part Time Basis

In 2010 the South Kalgoorlie mining operation produced 42,000 ounces of gold and at the end of December, 2012, it was declared to have a total mineral resource of 87.8 million tonnes grading at two grams a tonne, returning a total of 5.69 million ounces. Its toll processing plant is currently (2015) operating two months out of every three months under an existing agreement with La Mancha.

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