Mine Details

South aurukun




Address: QLD, 

State:  QLD,




The South Aurukun bauxite deposit on Cape York in Far NorthQueensland, is not to be confused with the controversial Aurukun, or Southof Embley, deposit to its immediate north. The South Aurukun project is subjected to two exploration tenures centred around Merapah, one of the most northern homestead in Queensland, located off the Holroyd Road, 1,880 kilometres north west of Brisbane. The nearest populated area is thatof Aurukun, a distance of 84 kilometres, that is inhabited by around 1,000 people.

Gulf Alumina Acquired South Aurukun Tenements in 2006

The two South Aurukun bauxite exploration tenements that were granted toGulf Alumina, a Chinese backed, Australian based, bauxite exploration anddevelopment company, in September 2006, cover an area of 390 square kilometres. The bauxite deposits within the South Aurukun exploration tenures are of a similar origin and age to that in the larger (300 million tonnes) Aurukun resource.

South Aurukun Bauxite Deposits Discovered by CRA in the 1970's

The South Aurukun tenements were initially subjected to exploratory drilling undertaken by MacGeehan of CRA during the 1970's which at the time identified three distinct and separate bauxite areas containg a total of 16.6 million tonnes of ore. MacGeehan estimated these deposits containeda gross bauxite inferred resource of 128 million tonnes.

Gulf Alumina to Continue Exploratory Drilling of South Aurukun Bauxite Deposits

Bauxite located within the South Aurukun tenements has an alumina content averaging 52 percent with between eight and 12 percent of reactivesilica. It is believed a JORC compliant resource of bauxite could be established containing a similar magnitude, using more modern techniques such as airborne radiometrics, to outline the most prospective areas. For these reasons Gulf Alumina intend to carry out further exploration and drilling programs throughout the Merapah licence areas.

South Aurukun Bauxite to be Sold on the Export Market

Gulf Alumina is focused on developing bauxite deposits in Australia whichit intends to export to the overseas alumina refinery market, particularly in China. It is a registered public company in Australia but it's not yet listed on the ASX (Australian Securities Exchange). The company holds a total of 2,000 square kilometres of bauxite mining licences which are partly drilled, 1,660 square kilometres of these tenements are located in the Cape York area.It also holds 320 square kilometres of bauxite exploration licences in the Northern Territory on Marchinbar Island. The Cape York Peninsula in Queensland is regarded as a world class bauxite mining province as boaxite mining has been carried out there for the last 50 years.

South Aurukun Bauxite Located on Land Belonging to the Wik People

The traditional owners of the land on which the South Aurukun bauxite exploration tenements exist are the Wik and Wik-way people. These peoplehave maintained a strong cultural lifestyle and a profound commitment to traditional values, that includes spiritual ties to their ancestral land.

They have suffered greatly at the hands of European settlement in the past and as a result have become very political, often seen in the lead regarding legal matters and their various challenges to State Government policies when they feel it effects their welfare.

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