Mine Details

Sorby hills


silver, lead, zinc, Town, DiDo


Address: WA, 

State:  WA,




The Sorby Hills lead and silver project is located in the Western Australian East Kimberley Region about 50 kilometres northeast of Kununurra and 150 kilometres from the nearest port at Wyndham. The project hosts the largest near surface lead and silver ore body in Australia and is being developed by Pacifico Minerals and China's Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead Co. Limited.

Sorby Hills Project a Joint Venture Between Pacifico Minerals and Henan Yuguang of China
Pacifico Minerals limited (formally Jaguar Minerals Ltd) listed on the ASX (Australian Security Exchange) on July 1, 2004 and holds a 75 percent interest in the joint venture. Pacifico acquired its on 5 October 2018. Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead Group Company Limited (HYGLG), a China based company dealing in mining and power production, is also owner of China's largest silver and lead smelter and holds a 25 percent interest in the joint venture project.

Sorby Hills Deposit Discovered in 1971
The Sorby Hills Silver-Lead-Zinc ore deposit was discovered in 1971 by Aquitane Australia Minerals and is made up of 9 individual but adjacent carbonate hosted, near surface base metal deposits, located in the Bonaparte Basin in the east Kimberley Region of WesternAustralia. Since discovery, over 1,200 holes comprising 115,000m of drilling have been completed to estimate mineral resources along a 10km north-south mineralised corridor.

Pre-Feasibility Studies
Previous companies have undertaken mining studies to develop a series of shallow open pits down to 70m below surface. The Sorby Hills lead-silver ore is relatively soft and simple to process. It contains no deleterious elements and metallurgical testing shows a simple clean concentrate with high lead and silver recoveries using a standard flotation circuit.Pacifico Minerals is reviewing all previous work and undertaking further drilling to bring the resource to JORC 2012 standards and develop at least a 10 year mine life.

Sorby Hills Concentrate to be Exported out of Wyndham
Sorby Hills ore will be processed on site using a simple crush, grind and flotation circuit to produce at least 35,000 tonnes a year of contained lead in concentrate including approx.1.2Moz of silver. Concentrate will be exported from the Wyndham port. Containers used to transport the concentrate will be taken from the mine to the port by 80 tonne road trains via the Weaber Plain Road, Victoria Highway and Great Northern Highway.Sorby Hills concentrate containers will be ëlid coveredí ìrotaboxesî commonly used to transport mineral concentrate.

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