The Sarsfield expansion project is part of the Ravenswood gold miningoperations located 65 kilometres east of Charters Towers and 150kilometres south west of Townsville in north east Queensland, however,despite identifying considerable savings on operating and capital costs torecommence mining at the Sarsfield open pit, the project remains on-hold because of the low world gold price. Sarsfield Open pit ore Stockpiles Have Been Getting Treated at theRavenswood Gold Treatment Plant
The Ravenswood gold mining operation has been sourcing its ore from theMt Wright underground gold mine and from ore stockpiles that havepreviously been mined from Bucks Reef, Nolans and Sarsfield deposits.Gold bearing ore from all sources is treated at the Ravenswood goldtreatment plant using the conventional crushing, ball milling and carbonin-pulp (CIP) processing method with a gravity circuit that allows for the recovery of free gold. The Sarsfield Open pit is Owned by Resolute Mining Limited
The Sarsfield Project is to be managed by Carpentaria Gold Pty Ltd whichis wholly owned by Resolute Mining Limited who purchased it fromXstrata Queensland Limited. Resolute Mining Limited is planning toexpand its open pit gold mining operation at Ravenswood by recommencing mining at the Sarsfield open pit at the same time as it extends the Nolans Pit floor. Mining of the Sarsfield pit would be undertaken in the usual way of drilling and blasting, removing the overburden and mining the underlying ore with the use of a shovel and fleet of haulage trucks. The Ravenswood Gold Treatment Plant will treat the ore mined from the Sarsfield open pit which will raise its throughput to five million tonnes annually for the next 20 years. The Ravenswood goldfield was discovered as far back as 1868 and sincethat time has produced more than two million ounces of gold. The totalamount of gold in the locality is estimated to be around five millionounces.
Sarsfield Gold Deposit Discovered in 1994
Carpentaria Gold pegged exploration permits in the area in 1978 andcommenced mining there in 1987 using a 0.25 million tonnes a yearprocessing plant along with a heap leach operation. The Nolans golddeposit was discovered in 1992 and the low grade Sarsfield deposit wasdiscovered two years later, although it did bring with it a quite largetonnage. In order to handle the extra workload Carpentaria Gold built anew CIL plant at the Nolans deposit in 1995 which was later expanded tohandle 4.5 million tonnes of ore a year. The main source of supply at thisstage was from the Sarsfield open pit with smaller amounts being sourcedfrom the Bucks Reef West satellite underground mining operation that wasfinally depleted in 2004. Sarsfield Open pit Operated in the Conventional Manner
The Sarsfield open pit gold mine was operated as a conventional hard rockdrilling and blasting operation. Mining at the Sarsfield deposit was rather selective with four flitches across a ten metre blast bench. At its peak it was moving from between 18 and 23 million tonnes of material a year. The pit reached a depth of over 80 metres with plans to take it to 280 metres. Sarsfield open pit gold bearing ore was able to be beneficiated because of the contrast between its soft gold bearing veins and the high strength barren host rock. The beneficiation plant treating the Sarsfield ore recovered 84 percent of gold in 63 percent of rock treated. Resolute Mining Limited is an international gold mining company thatoperates gold mines in Australia and Africa. It is one of the largest goldminers listed on the ASX (Australian Securities Exchange).