Mine Details



goldCamp, FiFo


Address: Level 1, 1 Alvan Street, Subiaco, WA, 6008 

State:  Level 1, 1 Alvan Street, Subiaco, WA, 6008




The Rosemont gold mine is located 90 kilometres north of Laverton in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. It is wholly owned by Regis Resources Limited and situated just 10 kilometres north west of the company's Garden Well gold project. It is part of the Duketon gold project that also inclides the Moolart gold mine.

Rosemont Gold Deposit Initially Mined by Aurora Gold Limited

The Rosemont gold deposit was discovered in the 1980's and was originally mined as a shallow open pit by Aurora Gold Limited during the first half of the 1990's. Gold production at this time totalled 18,600 ounces which was obtained from 222 kilotonnes grading at 2.65 grams of gold a tonne. Regis Resources Limited have owned the remaining Rosemont gold resource since 2006.

Regis Resources Limited is a Perth WA based gold exploration and production company that is publicly listed with the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). It has past experience in developing mid-sized gold projects in Africa and Australia.

Rosemont Mine Development Commenced in 2013

Regis Resources Limited began development construction at the Rosemont gold mine site in the March quarter of 2013. This work involved the building of a 1.5 million tonnes a year capacity crushing, grinding and pumping facility. This plant produces crushed and milled gold bearing ore that is then piped as a slurry to the Garden Well processing plant situated 10 kilometres away where it is put through a leaching process at the Garden Well CIL ( carbon in leach) circuit gold treatment plant. Gold production at the Rosemont mine began in 2013 and it is expected to produce 80,000 ounces of gold a year for the next five years.

MACA Awarded Contract to Operate the Rosemont Mine

Mining operations at the Rosemont mine is undertaken by MACA
( Mining and Civil Australia) mining contracting company under a five year contract. The service provided by MACA includes drilling, blasting, loading and hauling activities that are undertaken by a workforce of 75 personnel.

The Rosemont gold mine is an open pit operation that has a gold reserve of 664,000 ounces. The combined indicated and inferred resource is estimated to be around 1.73 billion ounces of gold. The next stage of development at the Rosemont mine will include the development of a full time processing plant alongside the Garden Well CIL plant. This development will also include the installation of an elution (carbon stripping) circuit along with a re-agent storage and distribution system. The design of the plant eliminates any need for an additional tailings storage facility as the existing Garden Well facility will be sufficient. The existing 100 personnel Garden Well workers accommodation unit is also of a sufficient size to house the extra personnel employed at the Rosemont operation.

The Rosemont gold mine also receives power from the Garden Well power generators although Regis Resources Limited have installed four Cummins KTA50-G3 deisel engines to increase the power output from 12 megawatts to 16 megawatts. The common use of infrastructure serving both mining operations has lowered overheads as well as considerably cutting the operational cost of the Rosemont operation.

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