Mine Details



copper, cobalt, gold, Town, DiDo


Address: U34, 19 Brolga Ave, Southport, QLD, 4215 

State:  U34, 19 Brolga Ave, Southport, QLD, 4215




The Rocklands Group Copper Project, that is located in north westQueensland, 17 kilometres west of Cloncurry, and owned by CuDECO, isclose to commercial production. The mine site covers an area of 1,600hectares. The project is being developed by CuDECO within the largestcopper belt in Australia. The same copper belt that includes the giantErnest Henry and the Mt Isa copper mines.

Rocklands Group Copper Project Includes the Las Minerale, Centraland Southern Zones

The Rocklands Group Copper Project takes in five subordinate shears thatare located under and parallel to the main ore body, Las Minerale, that ismore than one kilometre wide. This zone is called Central and SouthernRocklands. The project is one of Australia's biggest single explorationprograms and one of the country's three foremost exploration programs tobe undertaken in recent years that have completed the exploration anddrilling program in such a short period.

CuDECO Have Taken the Rocklands Project From Discovery to Production

The Rocklands Group Copper Project owner, CuDECO Limited,specialises in exploring for copper and bringing its discoveries intoproduction. It purchased the Rocklands tenement in 2005, an area thatcovers 2,200 hectares and includes many historical copper mines that havea history of producing high grade copper ore. Initial studies for the project were undertaken by an engineering consultancy company, LycopodiumMinerals. The contract to supply the Rocklands Group Copper Project'sthree million tonnes a year ore processing plant, was granted to Sinosteelin 2011. China Nerin Engineering was appointed as the project'sindependent consultant. CuDECO is one of only a few companies to havetaken such a project from its initial discovery stage all the way through to production.

Rocklands Mine Processing Plant the Best in the World

Most of the major infrastructure work on the Rocklands Group CopperProject has now been completed. Mining, as well as stockpiling, is nowunderway and the ore processing plant is close to being finished. The oreprocessing plant is one of the best in the world being able to treat allmineral ores located at the Rocklands project site and to concurrentlyproduce copper, cobalt, gold, pyrite and magnetite in four saleableconcentrates. The plant incorporates a three stage tertiary and primary high pressure grinding rolls and crushing circuits that are especially designed to handle the course native copper ore found at the site. The processing plant has the largest native copper gravity circuit in the world and is capable of removing native copper larger than 0.2 mm.It also has a magnetic separator and standard flotation circuits.

Rocklands ore Body Unique in the World

The Rocklands Group's high grade coarse native copper orebodies arepervasive and continuous ranging from depths of more than 180 metres tonear surface. The ore is co-mingled with primary and transitional,supergene and oxide ore types that make it unique in the world.

Ore from the Rocklands Group copper mine will be loaded at Cloncurry bya multi-user rail load facility and railed to the port at Townsville where it will be stored before being loaded onto ships for export.

Rocklands Group Copper mine employees will be sourced from theCloncurry community as the company has no intentions of building an onsite camp as has been commonplace in recent years with new miningoperations. Instead CuDECO own 40 single mens's cabins in Cloncurry as well as leasing around 30 houses and flats. Mine employees will commutebetween Cloncurry and the mine, a distance of 15 kilometres, serviced by asealed bitumen road.

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