unranium-oxide, DiDo
18-20 Cavenagh House, Darwin, NSW,
State: 18-20 Cavenagh House, Darwin, NSW,
The Northern Territory Ranger uranium mine is located 260 kilometres east of Darwin and eight kilometers from Jabiru. It is contained within an area of 79 square kilometres and surrounded by the World Heritage listed Kakadu National Park.
Ranger Uranium Mine Operated by Energy Resources Australia Limited (ERA)
The Ranger mine is owned and operated by Energy Resources Australia Limited (ERA) which is majority owned by international mining company Rio Tinto who own 68 percent of the shares, the remainder being publicly held. ERA also hold a mineral mining lease over the large world class Jabiluka uranium deposit only 22 kilometres north of the Ranger operation. This, as yet untouched ore body, is held under a long term care and maintenance agreement with the Mirarr traditional owners who will have to give their approval before any development work can be undertaken at the site.
Ranger Uranium Exported Under Strict International Law
ERA produce uranium oxide at the Ranger Mine that is exported to specifically approved countries under strict international laws, as it is only to be used as fuel for the provision of nuclear energy. Uranium Mining began at the Ranger Mine in 1981 after the orebody was discovered by the Electrolytic Zinc Company and Peko-Wallsend in 1969.
Energy Resources Australia Formed Specifically to Operate the Ranger Uranium Mine
Energy Resources of Australia was established in 1980 specifically to mine uranium at the Ranger Mine. It was the largest public float to ever occur in the history of Australia. The mine was operated as an open cut operation originally taking ore from two deposits and processing it at the Ranger Processing Plant. The first drum of uranium oxide was produced on August 13, 1981.
Transition to Underground Mining Commenced on Completion of Open Pit 3
The completion of mining at open pit 3 occurred in 2012 and ERA immediately began the transition to underground mining in order to exploit the Ranger 3 Deeps mineral resource. Open pit 1 had been completed in late 1994 after it had produced 19.78 million tonnes of uranium bearing ore. Open pit 3 commenced mining in 1997.
The Ranger 3 Deeps underground uranium resource was first made public in 2009 with an underground exploratory decline developed in 2012. The exploration decline will allow for diamond drilling to take place to determine the full extent of the Ranger Deeps 3 orebody focussing the drilling to the north where the orebody remains open. This ore body is estimated to contain 34,000 tonnes of uranium oxide making it one of the most significant uranium discoveries made world wide in recent times.
Contract to Construct Ranger Mine Decline Awarded to Macmahon
ERA have awarded the contract to develop the Ranger underground decline to Macmahon Underground Pty Ltd. The contract is for Macmahon to construct a 2,200 metre long decline to a depth of 370 metres. Exploratory drilling that is expected to commence in mid 2013 is due to be completed in June or July of 2014.