296 St Vincent St, Port Adelaide, SA, 5015
State: 296 St Vincent St, Port Adelaide, SA, 5015
The new common user Port Bonython Bulk Commodites Export Facilty, inthe Spencer Gulf region of South Australia, is to be built by the SpencerGulf Port Link (SGPL) consortium that consists of; Macquarie Capital,Leighton Contractors, ARTC (Australian Rail Track Corporation) andFlinders Port Holdings. The consortium has been commissioned by theSouth Australian State Government to plan, build and operate the new port.
Flinders Ports has long been involved in the upkeep of a supply chain to handle the smooth movement of minerals from South Australian miningcompanies to their customers world wide. For this reason Flinders Portshas established a bulk mineral export facility at Berth 29, Port Adelaide.More recently it has developed developed a 25,000 square metre area tostore and handle mineral sands. The development of the Port Bonythonbulk commodities export facility in the Spencer Gulf will further facilitate the movement of minerals out of South Australia for the export market.