Mine Details

Port bonython




Address: 296 St Vincent St, Port Adelaide, SA, 5015 

State:  296 St Vincent St, Port Adelaide, SA, 5015




The new common user Port Bonython Bulk Commodites Export Facilty, inthe Spencer Gulf region of South Australia, is to be built by the SpencerGulf Port Link (SGPL) consortium that consists of; Macquarie Capital,Leighton Contractors, ARTC (Australian Rail Track Corporation) andFlinders Port Holdings. The consortium has been commissioned by theSouth Australian State Government to plan, build and operate the new port.

Port Bonython EIS Currently Being Considered by the State Government

Spencer Gulf Port Link has prepared , and submitted, the necessaryEnvironmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the issues connected with thebuilding of a deep water port at Port Bonython, to the South AustralianDepartment of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. The report iscurrently being considered by the government.

Port Bonython's Deep Water Facility Could be Operational by 2018

The South Australian Government had spent many years searching for themost suitable location where a deep water bulk commodities exportfacility could be built. Port Bonython was eventually chosen based on itslocation within a deep water harbour, its easy access to existinginfrastructure such as heavy rail, the availability of suitable land and it being near promising iron ore projects. Spencer Gulf Port Link have been awarded development rights to proceed with the development of the newport and the State Government Development Assessment Commission hadissued guidelines for the preparation of the EIS. When all environmentalapprovals are officially granted construction of the facility could begin,this is expected to occur in 2015. The new port could then be operational in 2018.

Port Bonython to Provide Jobs for 400 People During Construction

Construction of the Port Bonython Bulk Comodities Export Facility isexpected to take between two and a half and three years to complete andprovide full time jobs for up to 400 people. The Port Bonython Project will involve the building of a three kilometre jetty stretching out into the deep water carrying enclosed conveyors and a ship loader. The facility will also incorporate storage and rail facilities that will include a 25 kilometre railway line linking the port to an existing railway.

Government Declares Port Bonython Project a 'Major Development'

The South Australian Government has declared the Port Bonython Projecta major development, that would assist in the further development of thestate's mining sector, and open up the state to the world's iron ore markets. The port is designed to handle exports of up to 50 million tonnes a year.

Flinders Ports has long been involved in the upkeep of a supply chain to handle the smooth movement of minerals from South Australian miningcompanies to their customers world wide. For this reason Flinders Portshas established a bulk mineral export facility at Berth 29, Port Adelaide.More recently it has developed developed a 25,000 square metre area tostore and handle mineral sands. The development of the Port Bonythonbulk commodities export facility in the Spencer Gulf will further facilitate the movement of minerals out of South Australia for the export market.

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