thermal-black-coal, coking-black-coal, Mining Camp, DiDo
, Moranbah, QLD, 4744
State: , Moranbah, QLD, 4744
The Poitrel coal mine, operated by BHP Billiton Mitsui Coal (BMC), a partnership between BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi, produces around three million tonnes of coal a year. It is one of BMA's (BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance's) most recent coal mining developments. The mine, that is situated 35 kilometres south east of Moranbah, began producing coal from its open cut operation in October 2006.
Leighton Holdings has Been a Part of the Poitrel Mining Operation
Since its Beginning
The Poitrel Mine that was developed by Leighton Contractors mining division, uses a new coal processing plant and rail loading facility as part of an agreement with Excel Coal Limited through its subsidiary Millennium Coal. In March 2011 Leighton was awarded an extension of a further three years to continue with its operations at the Poitrel Mine. The contract with BMA is for Leighton's to provide surface mining, maintenance and engineering services at the mine site. Leighton Mining, that has a workforce of around 200 people at the Poitrel Mine, is a fully owned subsidiary of Leighton Holdings Limited. The mine workers either live in the town of Moranbah of in camp facilities at Coppabella.
Poitrel Coal Exported to Overseas Steel Makers
The Poitrel open cut mining operation produces pulverised coal injection (PCI) and metallurgical coal for export to overseas steel makers. The coal is extracted from the southern extension of the Poitrel coal deposit. Up until December 2010, from its beginning in 2006, the Poitrel Mine produced more than 2.8 million tonnes of coking coal and to the end of June 2011 added a further 1.246 million tonnes. At the end of the 2009 financial year the Poitrel Mine had a measured, indicated and inferred coal resource of 79 million tonnes and proven probable reserves of 71 million tonnes of coking and thermal coal.
Coal Mining at the Poitrel Open cut Mine Carried out With Care
The coal seams at the Poitrel Mine are faulted, as are many coal seams, this means the mining has to be undertaken with considerable care to make certain it is extracted cleanly to maximise its value.
The overburden at the open cut is removed by means of cast blasting, dozer push, truck and excavation methods. Once removed from the coal seam it is taken to either a ROM (Run-of-Mine) stockpile or to the Coal Handling Preparation Plant (CHPP) where it is processed.
Poitrel Cultural Heritage Management Agreement Reached With Traditional Land Owners
Mine owner BMA has a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) with local Aboriginals, the Yetimaria and Barada Barna Kabalbara people. One of the benefits of having such an agreement is that a permit to undergo further surveys is no longer required. A CHPP is mandatory whenever an Environmental Impact Statement is carried out. It means any high impact developments can only proceed if a CHPP has been agreed to. The Cultural Heritage Management Plan requires that a duty of care be exercised to avoid doing harm to any Aboriginal cultural heritage sites within the Poitrel mine leaseholds.
The previous Queensland mine permit requirements regarding cultural heritage issues has been replaced with CHMP's, or other similar agreements, that may be formally reviewed by the Queensland government if it sees the need to do so. A CHPP describes the heritage significance of an area or place, the policies of both parties, an agreement to be reached between the two parties involved and a requirement that these values are retained.