Mine Details

Pearl croydon


gold, Town, DiDo


Address: Suite 3, 51-55 City Road, Southbank, VIC, 3006 

State:  Suite 3, 51-55 City Road, Southbank, VIC, 3006




A new open pit gold mine in Central Victoria is on the verge of coming on line as all necessary approvals from all sources have now been signed off on. The mine, Pearl Croydon, that is owned by Octagonal Resources Limited, is located 10 kilometres south west of the gold mining town of Maryborough, within the Maryborough State Forest.

Pearl Croydon Mine Situated South of Paddy's Ranges National Park
Octagonal Resources Limited is to operate the Pearl Croydon mine through it wholly owned subsidiary, Highlake Resources Pty Ltd. The gold deposit to be mined is situated south of the Paddy's Ranges National Park. It contains a mineralisation resource of 571,000 tonnes grading at 2.9 grams of gold to a tonne which will reveal a total of 53,000 ounces of gold. The ore mined from the open pits is to be taken by road transport to the company's Porcupine Flat Gold Processing Plant at Maldon.

Pearl Croydon Gold Mine to Comprise Eight Individual Open Pits
The Pearl Croydon gold mine will consist of eight open pits that will be mined within a 200 metres by 1,500 metres area. The largest of the pits will be 60 metres deep, 100 metres wide and 250 metres long. Two open pits are to be initially established, one being the Pig and Whistle pit and the other the London Hill pit. These pits are to be mined to a depth of 15 metres and 30 metres respectively and are expected to be completed before the end of 2014. These two pits will produce 110,000 tonnes of waste material and 23,000 tonnes of gold bearing ore. The ore will be taken to the Maldon processing plant in 30 tonne trucks and dog trailers using Possum Gully and the Old Avoca Road to Maryborough and from Maryborough to Maldon via Carisbrook and Baringhup.

Pearl Croydon Mine to Operate day Shifts Only Five Days a Week
All waste rock produced during the mining operation is to be stockpiled onsite and will be used again as fill when mining of a particular pit is completed. Mining at the Pearl Croydon mine is to be carried out on a day shift basis therefore haulage trucks will only be on the road during working hours on weekdays. It is planned to transport 2,000 tonnes of ore a month to the Maldon gold processing plant. This will require four truck movements each working day.

Pearl Croydon Mine to Use the Minimum of Mining Equipment
Mining equipment to be used at the Pearl Croydon mining operation will comprise one excavator, one loader and two articulated rear dump trucks. The excavator will be used to remove all waste and oxidised ore from the pits. The mine will undertake all road maintenance within the State Forest area that it uses. All public roads used by the haulage trucks will be maintained by the Central Goldfields Shire Council with extra costs caused by the mines haulage operation paid for by Octagonal Resources Limited.

Octagonal Resources Limited is an Australian operated and owned public company that is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). It was established in 2010 to develop gold producing operations in Central Victoria to supply gold bearing ore to the Maldon located Porcupine Flat Gold Processing Plant.

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