Mine Details

Paradise south




Address: QLD, 

State:  QLD,




Paradise Phosphate Propriety Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary ofLegend International, is a phosphate development company developing theParadise South Phosphate mine in North West Queensland, 135 kilometresnorth west of Mount Isa.

Paradise South to be Developed as an Open Pit Mining Operation

The Paradise South Phosphate project involves the development of an openpit mining operation capable of mining up to seven million tonnes of ROM(run-of-mine) phosphate bearing ore a year. The Paradise South mine hasan expected life of 21 years working at maximum production levels.

Paradise South Beneficiation Plant Capable of Handling up to 12 .5Million Tonnes Annually

The Paradise South phosphate mining project consists of a beneficiationplant capable of handling up to 12.5 million tonnes a year, with phosphateconcentrate produced at the plant transported to Mount Isa via a 142kilometre long slurry pipeline. On arrival at Mount Isa the concentrateslurry is dried before being loaded onto railway wagons to be taken to theTownsville port for exporting to the company's overseas customers, as wellas to the Australian domestic market. The project also involves theconstruction of a two kilometre access road that will act as a haulage road from the Paradise South mine that links up with the Paradise North haulage road. It also requires the building of a 45 kilometre water pipeline to carry water from the Thorntonia Borefield to the Paradise South beneficiation plant, a 20 kilometre long transmission line leading from the Mica Creek Century Zinc transmission line as well as a sub-station. It is also planned to build a return water pipeline from Mount Isa back to the Paradise South mine. Infrastructure requirements at Mount Isa include a 2,500 million litre water supply dam along with a slurry de-watering plant and rail load out facility. If production tonnages are low the supply level will be maintained by transporting phosphate concentrate to Mount Isa by road transport via existing roads.

Paradise South Owner, Legend International, Plan to be one of theLargest Phosphate Suppliers in the World

Legend International is a public company that supplies products to thefertiliser and phosphate industries. It has over one billion tonnes ofphosphate in reserve averaging 16 percent Phosphorous Pentoxide inQueensland's Georgina Basin at the following sites; Highland Plains,Sherrin Creek, Quita Creek, Lily Creek and Thortonia. Its other projectsinclude, Paradise North DSO (direct shipment ore) and D-Tree NorthDSO. The company is planning to become one of the largest phosphatefertiliser suppliers in the world.

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