Mine Details

Orebody 23


iron-oremine village, FiFo


Address: , Newman, WA, 6753 

State:  , Newman, WA, 6753




The Orebody 23 open cut iron ore mine is actually part the one mine that also includes orebodies 25 and 18. They are more latterly known as the Eastern Ridge Mine Site. All are open cut mines and all located eight kilometres from the Pilbara mining town of Newman. Orebody 23 is majority owned by BHP Billiton with 85 percent, along with Mitsui Iron 10 percent and Itochu Corporation with five percent. BHP Billiton also own seven other open cut iron ore mines in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia where they employ about 13,000 people overall. Iron ore from Orebody 23 is transported by rail to Port Hedland for exporting overseas.

Orebody 23 is Part of the Mount Newman Mining Operation
Orebody 23 and Orebody 25 are a combined mining operation situated about 13 kilometres from the Mt Whaleback mine. All mines being part of the Mount Newman mining operation, one of the largest open cut mining operation in the world. Orebody 23 comprises just the one open pit whereas Orebody 25 consists of three separate pits. As a combined operation they produce more than 10 million tonnes of iron ore a year. The processing plan, located at Orebody 25, involves a primary and secondary crusher and a screening facility.

BHP Billiton is the Owner Operator of Orebody 23
In August 2011 BHP Billiton acquired all the assets and personnel from its mining contractor HWE Mining, a subsidiary of Leighton Holdings, and became an owner operator of its own mines, this included Orebody 23 and 25, Area C, and Yandi.

Orebody 23 Mine Workers Enjoy Modern Village Accommodation When Rostered For Work
Orebody 23 is a fly-in fly-out operation with most workers working an eight days on and six days off roster. While at work they are housed in village accommodation that has its own swimming pool and fully equipped gymnasium. All rooms at the village are air conditioned with their own refrigerator, television set and ensuite bathroom.

BHP Billiton's Pilbara Railway Uses 141 Locomotives
BHP Billiton operate two railways in the Pilbara that use 141 locomotives consisting of four different models to take iron ore from the mine sites to the coast for loading onto ships for exporting overseas. The EMD SD40 engines are of mid 1960's vintage and imported second hand, the two Dash 8 units were purchased new and there are rebuilt Alco C636's, GE AC6000's and a EMD's new SD70AC model.

Trains take Orebody 23 ore 426 kilometres to Port Hedland for Shipping Overseas
The railway that services Orebody 23 runs for 426 kilometres from Newman to Nelson Point at Port Hedland. On the way to the port it picks up ore from Orebody 23 and 25, then Mt Whaleback, Jimblebar, Wheelarra Hill, Orebody 18 and Mining Area C. There are currently 14 trains a day using the Newman Railway Line with train lengths consisting of either 336 or 224 railway wagons. Mid-trains are controlled by the lead train via radio link known as ìDistributed Powerî or ìLocotrol.î Rotary dump cars are used on all BHP Billiton railway services.

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