Mine Details

Nre wongawilli


coking-black-coal, , Town, DiDo


Address: Cnr Bellambi Lane and Princess Highway, Russell Vale, NSW, 2517 

State:  Cnr Bellambi Lane and Princess Highway, Russell Vale, NSW, 2517




In 2007 BHP Billiton sold the Wongawilli Colliery in the Southern Coalfields of New South Wales to Indian based company, Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Limited, who renamed it NRE Wongawilli.

Coal Mining has Occurred at the Wongawilli Colliery since 1916
NRE Wongawilli began life as the Wongawilli Colliery in 1916, when it was opened and operated by G and C Hoskins Limited to supply coke to Lithgow industries. In 1993 it became known as the Elouera Colliery after Wongawilli merged with Nebo and Kemira coal mines. In 2004, the then owners, BHP Billiton, planned to close the mine and turn it into a tourist coal mine, however, it changed its mind and sold the colliery to Indian company, Gujaret NRE. Gujaret NRE is now known as Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Limited.

Coal from the NRE Wongawilli Mine is Exported out of Port Kembla
Gujarat NRE own the nearby NRE No.1 Colliery as well as the NRE Wongawilli Colliery that both mine coal from the Tongara, Wongawilli, Balgownie and Bulli coal seams. Coal from the two mines is transported to nearby Port Kembla Coal Terminal from where it is exported overseas.

Government Approvals Extend the Life of the NRE Wongawilli Mine
In recent years various approvals have been granted to allow the expansion and upgrading of infrastructure at the NRE Wongawilli Colliery, rail transportation of coal from the mine site, site rehabilitation, the mining of two million tonnes a year of coal from the Wongawilli and Bulli coal seams and the extraction of left over coal reserves within existing mine areas. Approvals also gave the company permission to access coal from the western areas of their lease.

Early in January 2011 resources and reserves at the NRE Wongawilli coal mine, both measured and indicated, increased from 45 million tonnes to 100 million tonnes. This represented an increase of 120 percent. At the same time the company announced a 30 per cent increase from 258 million tonnes to 337 million tonnes of total resources and an increase in total reserves from 7.8 million tonnes to 33.38 million tonnes this equalled an increase of 320 percent. These increases have the potential to give the NRE Wongawilli coal mine a mine life of 20 years if a production level of three million tonnes a year is maintained.
In November 2011 the New South Wales Government gave written approval for the Wongawilli coal seam to be mined within the north east part of the lease. It also received approval to construct and underground decline to access the western part of the lease.

Parent Company Buys Most of NRE Wongawilli's Coal Production
Most of the coal produced at the NRE Wongawilli Mine is purchased by its parent company, Gujarat NRE Coke Limited. Gujarat NRE being the largest independent manufacturer of metallurgical coke on the sub- continent who distribute coke throughout India as well as Japan, Malaysia, South Africa, and Brazil.

Environmental Protection an Important Part of NRE Wongawilli Activity
Gujarat NRE have installed environmental protection at the NRE Wongawilli mine that takes into account all the necessary Australian standards. The mine has implemented an environmental monitoring program specifically to ensure surface water courses and swamp land is fully protected in conjunction within the Sydney Catchment Authority requirements.

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