Mine Details



nickelcamp, FiFo


Address: 253 Balcatta Rd, Balcatta, WA, 6021 

State:  253 Balcatta Rd, Balcatta, WA, 6021




The Nova Nickel Project in located in the Fraser Range, east of Norseman,near Balladonia, in Western Australia. It is fully owned by SiriusResources. The nickel deposit being exploited at the Nova mine site isknown as the Nova-Bollinger deposit. The Nova Project is part of thewider Fraser Range Exploration Project being undertaken by SiriusResources and well known minerals prospector Mark Creasy It covers anarea of more than 1,400 square kilometres.

Sirius Resources Receive Funding for Nova Nickel Mine

Sirius Resources has completed a funding package for the furtherdevelopment of the Nova Nickel Project that will allow it to go ahead in2015. The mining proposal submitted by Sirius Resources to mine nickel atthe Nova site has been approved by the Western Australian Department ofMines and Petroleum (DMP), along with associated licences to develop anairstrip and workers village. Sirius Resources is now only waiting forapprovals to build an access road to the project site, a native vegetationclearing permit and an environmental approval permit to be granted. Onceall these permits have been received the company will proceed with thedevelopment of an underground nickel mine, as work on the workersvillage, airstrip and tailings dam is already underway.

Kerman Contracting win big Nova Nickel Mine Contract

A 496 person accommodation village, built by Kerman Contracting at theNova mine site, was completed in August, 2014. The new villageincorporated the expansion of the already existing temporary campfacilities at the site that had been accommodating up to 200 constructionworkers. The permanent mine accommodation village includes such thingsas a process plant administration building, an airport terminal shelter, agymnasium and sports court, a maintenance workshop, ice rooms,ambulance facility, a waiting and reception area, a recycling facility, shops and administration buildings, a barbeque area, wet mess, laundries and kitchen and dining facilities. Kerman's contract also involved certainunderground services, civil works and site earthworks.

Kerman Contracting is a private mining contractor based in Applecross in Western Australia. It is a well known construction, procurement andengineering company involved in piping works as well as mechanical andstructural activities.

Watpac win Contract to Build Nova Mine Tailings Storage Facility

The contract to build the tailings storage facility was awarded to Watpac.This work, scheduled to begin in February, 2015, will involve theconstruction of a fully lined, above ground impoundment area surroundedby a 800,000 cubic metre embankment. The contract is expected to takefive months to complete and will involve the employment of 70 personnel.

Sirius Resources is also engaged in further exploration of the Fraser Range Region east of Norseman, in which it has a 70 percent interest, along with prospector, Mark Creasy, who has a 30 percent interest. It is also carrying out exploration to the north of Norseman that includes its 100 percent owned nickel and gold Polar Bear Project. The company is also focussing on future development of the Earlobe gold prospect in a highly prospective nickel and gold mining area.

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