Mine Details

Nelson point port



Address: , Nelson Point, WA, 

State:  , Nelson Point, WA,



The outer harbour development project BHP Billiton is undertaking at Nelson Point in Western Australia, is involving the construction and upgrading of both marine and landside infrastructure that will dramatically increase iron ore throughput at the massive Port Hedland export facility.

The Nelson Point Expansion Project to Increase Port Hedland Shiploading Ability
The staged development at Nelson Point will substantially increase the company's Port Hedland shiploading facilities, iron ore stockpiling, iron ore handling and rail access to and from the port to the company's Pilbara mines. The infrastructure being developed includes a shipping channel and wharf off Finucane Island and a jetty along with an onshore conveyor system, stockyards and car dumpers.

Nelson Point Project to Increase Iron ore Export to 240 Million Tonnes Annually
The Nelson Point expansion is being carried out to increase the amount of iron ore BHP Billiton is able to export from its Western Australia operations, to 240 million tonnes annually. The infrastructure development includes railway connections and a spur line from the Newman railway line to new stockyards at Boodarie where a lump screening plant, reclaimers, stackers and car dumpers will facilitate throughput. Leading from the stockyards is an infrastructure corridor that consists of an access roadway, conveyors and utilities off Finucane Island. This area of development also includes the construction of an abutment, berthing pockets, basins, dredged channel, wharf and jetty. To complement this development existing roads, buildings and utilities were all earmarked for upgrading.

Four Stages planned to Complete Nelson Point Project
The Nelson Point expansion project is planned to be completed in four distinct stages with each stage taking from two to three years to complete, although, much of the progress will be determined by market conditions and construction methodology as much as internal and external ongoing approvals.

Nelson Point Inner Harbour Expansion Substantially Completed
The BHP Billiton, Western Australian Iron Ore (WAIO), inner harbour expansion project at Nelson Point has already been substantially completed with the first ore loaded during the first quarter of the 2013 financial year from the two new ship loaders. Car dumper five processed its first ore during the latter half of 2012. The Nelson Point inner harbour now comprises four berths as does Finucane Island.

Nelson Point outer Harbour Expansion Plans to Increase Iron ore Throughput by 100 Million Tonnes Annually
The outer harbour development at Nelson Point will increase the port throughput by 100 million tonnes of iron ore a year with the construction of a four kilometre long jetty, a four berth wharf, 32 kilometres of channel dredged as a ship departure channel and two ship loaders. At the same time the stockyards, two car dumpers and railway spur line are to be completed.

Next Nelson Point Expansion Stages to Increase Throughput by a Further 100 Million Tonnes
Following stages yet to be completed, that will increase Nelson Point throughput by a further 100 million tonnes of iron ore a year, is to include the expansion of the stockyards and their supporting infrastructure along with the construction of four additional berths.

Options Available for Further Long Term Growth at Nelson Point
There is also an oprtion available for BHP Billiton to secure a further two shipping berths at Burgess Point, if or when required. All of which is planned to de-bottleneck previous on-shore infrastructure, with the Nelson Point outer harbour still remaining a valuable option for further long term growth.

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