The Mutooroo copper deposit is located in South Australia approximately60 kilometres west of Broken Hill. It is being developed by HavilahResources, which has applied to the South Australian Government to haveit issue a mining licence to allow further development andcommercialisation of the ore body. Mutooroo can Produce Copper, Sulphur, Gold and Cobalt
The Mutooroo mineralisation is a lode style large sulphide depositcontaining around 13.1 million tonnes of ore grading at 1.48 percentcopper, as well as a reasonable amount of sulphur, gold and cobalt.Metallurgical studies have reported that processing of the mineralisationwith a modern acid/roasting plant would allow the recovery of, iron ore,cobalt, copper and sulphuric acid, as well as electricity. Electricity being a by-product resulting from the heat created in the processing procedure. Mutooroo can be Developed as an Open pit Mining Operation
The feasibility study undertaken on the Mutooroo Project to date, hasmainly focused on defining part of the resource that is considered mostlikely to be developed as an open cut mining operation.This reasoning isbased on an open pit shell outlined in past scoping studies at the site. To date only 700 metres of over 2,000 metres of strike of the Mutooroodeposit has been sufficiently drilled to a resource status. Detailed minedesign work has been carried out by a reputable mining engineer based ona resource block model of the Mutooroo deposit. The Mutooroo ore body contains more than 2.5 million tonnes of sulphurwhich makes it important for consideration as feedstock in the productionof sulphuric acid. Testwork has shown the sulphide ore, when roasted,produces sulphuric acid. Copper and cobalt can then be leached from thecalcine residue that is actually pure iron ore. The process of roasting and the generation of acid is greatly exothermic (chemical change that releases heat). This heat is able to be harnessed to produce a considerable amount of electricity.
To carry out the process of creating sulphuric acid from Mutooroo sulphide ore, a large quantity of quality water will be required, however, because of the great demand for sulphuric acid in South Australia it is believed that all the sulphuric acid produced would be consumed locally in other nearby mining operations. Alternatively, recovery of the copper as a high grade concentrate could be achieved by flotation that would be followed up with roasting.
Copper Previously Mined at Mutooroo Site Between 1887 and 1914
A copper mine existed at Mutooroo between 1887 and 1914, whichproduced around 6,000 tonnes of mainly hand picked oxidised ore, as wellas 2,557 tonnes of ore grading at 6.58 percent copper, plus a further 218tonnes grading at 19.3 percent copper. In more recent times the Mutooroodeposit has been left dormant until Havilah Resources began exploratorydrilling at the site in 2005, although Broken Hill South completed thedrilling of over 30 holes during the 1970's. Havilah Resources havefocused their diamond drilling program on the previously untested top 200metres of the Mutooroo deposit in order to prove up the feasibilty ofmining the lode as an open pit mining operation.