Mine Details



thermal-black-coal, Town, DiDo


Address: 677 Murray St, West Perth, WA, 6005 

State:  677 Murray St, West Perth, WA, 6005




The owner and operator of the Muja open cut coal mine near Collie in south west Western Australia, Griffin Coal, was acquired by Indian company Lanco Infratech through its Australian subsidiary Lanco Resources Australia Pty Ltd in 2011. Griffin Coal is the largest individual supplier of thermal coal in Western Australia and currently produces four million tonnes of coal a year that is purchased by domestic and overseas customers. The company export around .075 million tonnes of coal annually through the Kwinana port.

The Muja Open cut Coal Mine was one of the Largest Such Mines in the World
The Muja coal mine, located 18 kilometres south east of Collie, was one of the largest open cut coal mines in the world having produced between 1.5 and 1.8 million tonnes of coal a year during its operational years from 1954 to 2010. It was primarily a thermal coal producer, however, different coals were mined at different depths. This gave the mine the flexibility to blend the coal to better meet its customers requirements. Muja coal was delivered directly to the company's clients without the need for any further handling. Thermal coal mined at the Muja open cut operation was, in the main, used to produce steam for the generation of electricity. This coal was delivered directly to the Muja Power Station. It was sold and delivered to its end users uncrushed as a run-of-mine (ROM) product.

The Lowest Coal Seam at the Muja Mine was the Most Productive
The Muja open cut coal mine grew, over the years, to the north west blocks of the mine site. These blocks were up to 1.5 kilometres long and between 150 and 180 metres wide. The blocks were developed through their full thickness till they reached their lowest economically viable coal seam. The coal seams being situated in a spoon shaped formation. This determined the ultimate shape of the floor of the open cut operation. The lowest of eight coal seams, the 'Hebe' seam, was 13 metres thick and represented around 50 percent of the mine coal reserve.

The Muja Mine Operated in Three Blocks at all Times

At any one time there were always at least three blocks being developed at the Muja coal mine. The north westerly most block's material being hauled along a haulage road along the wall of the west pit until it reached the high level in-pit dump area. The middle block was at the same time working down through the mine's upper seams. The lowest block, the Hebe seam, most oftenly formed the bulk of the uncovered coal reserve. Overburden from this block was transported across the block to be discharged into low- level in-pit dumps. The managing of the mining operation in this way minimised the need to move the overburden vertically. If this was to occur it would unnecessarily slow down the trucks carrying out the haulage and thereby reduce productivity as well as increase fuel usage.

Muja South Extension to Start Production in 2014
Griffin Coal is planning on having its Muja South Expansion Project begin coal production in 2014. This mine is located to the immediate south and east of the Muja mine. The development of the Muja South Project is important for Griffin Coal to be able to supply coal to the domestic and export market on a long term basis. The Muja pit expansion has been planned in detail along with the transporting of additional coal to the port which has necessitated the development of loading and coal storage facilities at Bunbury Port's inner harbour. The Muja South expansion is the next phase in the development of the Griffin coal deposits and reinforces the company's plans to increase its production of coal for both the export and domestic markets.

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