Mine Details

Moranbah south




Address: 21 Charlotte St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000 

State:  21 Charlotte St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000




The Moranbah South Project is a potential underground coal mine located150 kilometres south west of Mackay in the north Bowen Basin area ofQueensland. It is owned by 50:50 joint venture partners, Anglo Americanand Exxaro Resources Australia Pty Ltd, one of South Africa's largestdiversified resource companies. The project site will be accessed from theMoranbah Access Road.

Moranbah South Project Currently Put On Hold

Progress on the development of the Moranbah South Project has been puton hold at the present time owing to depressed world coal prices. AngloAmerican have also pulled out of an agreement to assist in the funding ofthe expansion of the Abbot Point Coal Export Terminal near Bowen on theQueensland coast.

Moranbah South Project was to Start Production in 2017

Although construction has yet to start on the Moranbah South Project, thejoint venture partners had planned on the mine becoming operational in2017, when it is expected to export up to 14 million tonnes of high quality coking coal a year, coming from a peak production of 18 million tonnes of ROM (run-of-mine) coal. It is proposed to export the coal from either; Abbots Point, Dalrymple or Dudgeon Point. The Moranbah South coalmine is expected to continue producing for at least 30 years. TheMoranbah South underground coal mining project is located threekilometres south east of the town of Moranbah within a tenement area of17,550 hectares.

Moranbah South Mine to use Longwall, Bord and Pillar Methods of Mining

Coal from Moranbah South will be mined using bord and pillar andlongwall methods. The run-of-mill coal will be taken by conveyor to aCHPP (coal handling and preparation plant) that will be built on site forcoal processing. After processing the product coal will be taken from thesite by rail to one of the three proposed export facilities. In order tofacilitate the transportation of the coal from the mine site to the port it is proposed to build a rail loop and a new on site rail loading facility. Fine and course reject material from the coal processing plant will be stored on site in a specially constructed dry reject emplacement facility.

Moranbah South Mine Could Employ up to 1,300 Workers When Operational

Employment during the construction phase of the Moranbah South Projectis expected to peak at about 878 people whereas the maximum workforceduring production is expected to reach 1314 personnel. Workers will beaccommodated onsite as well as in the nearby town of Moranbah.

The Moranbah South Project is jointly and equally owned by AngloAmerican Metallurgical Coal Pty Ltd and Exxaro Australia Pty Ltd. AngloAmerican Metallurgical Coal is the project manager. Exxaro Australia PtyLtd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Exxaro Resources Limited, a SouthAfrican mining company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.Exxaro Resources have a diverse portfolio that includes base metals, ironore and mineral sands as well as it being South Africa's largest coalproducer.

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