Mine Details

Moranbah ammonium nitrate plant


ammonium-nitrate, Town, DiDo


Address: , Moranbah, QLD, 

State:  , Moranbah, QLD,




The Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant is located at Moranbah,Queensland, in the Bowen Basin, the heart of Australia's leadingmetallurgical coal reserves. The plant is owned and operated by DynoNobel, a fully owned subsidiary company belonging to Incitec Pivot, aworld wide producer of explosives for the global mining industry.

The Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant Produces Ammonium Nitrate in the Form of PrillThe Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant has the capacity to produce260,000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate annually in the form of prill (pellets)that is used in the production of ANFO (ammonium nitrate fuel oil), a bulkindustrial explosive that contains 94 percent of porous ammoniumnitrate.The plant also produces 90,000 tonnes a year of ammonium nitrateemulsion where ammonium nitrate is suspended in a liquid. Ammoniumnitrate emulsion does not readily burn until it is mixed with combustiblematerial. It then produces nitrogen. For this reason it is commonly used in the making of safety explosives and matches.

The Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant is 4.5 Kilometres From the Town of Moranbah

The Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant site covers an area of 280 hectares and is situated 4.5 kilometres north west of the town of Moranbah, a modern rural town of 10,000 inhabitants. It is the sixth such plant builtand operated by Incitec Pivot, a testament to the company's expertise andstanding in the explosives business.

Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Project Given National Significance

The main material used in the production of ammonium nitrate, at theMoranbah plant, is natural gas that has been formed from coal seam methane. The gas is delivered to the plant through a system of undergroundpipelines. There were between 200 and 400 people used in the constructionof the plant that took 22 months to complete. Now it is operational itremains in production 24 hours a day for seven days a week throughout theyear. During its development it was labeled a 'project of nationalsignificance' by the Australian Government. Its complete ammoniumnitrate production has been pre-sold on 15 year contracts.

Moranbah Plant Prefers to Employ Local Workers

Where possible The Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant has preferred toemploy local staff in order to create a stable workforce in the town ofMoranbah for the next 35 years. It has created up to 70 long term, fulltime, skilled positions.

The Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant has been able to utilise existinginfrastructure such as electric power, roadways, water supplies and gas,therefore avoiding the need to construct such infrastructure which wouldhave increased start-up costs. The coal seam methane gas used at the plantis normally lost into the atmosphere during coal mining activities. Theammonium nitrate produced from the coal seam methane is many timesmore valuable than is the gas itself.

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