ammonium-nitrate, Town, DiDo
, Moranbah, QLD,
State: , Moranbah, QLD,
The Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant is located at Moranbah,Queensland, in the Bowen Basin, the heart of Australia's leadingmetallurgical coal reserves. The plant is owned and operated by DynoNobel, a fully owned subsidiary company belonging to Incitec Pivot, aworld wide producer of explosives for the global mining industry.
The Moranbah Ammonium Nitrate Plant has been able to utilise existinginfrastructure such as electric power, roadways, water supplies and gas,therefore avoiding the need to construct such infrastructure which wouldhave increased start-up costs. The coal seam methane gas used at the plantis normally lost into the atmosphere during coal mining activities. Theammonium nitrate produced from the coal seam methane is many timesmore valuable than is the gas itself.