Mine Details

Moolart well


goldMining Camp, FiFo


Address: Level 1, Alvan St, Subiaco, WA, 6008 

State:  Level 1, Alvan St, Subiaco, WA, 6008




The Moolart Well open pit gold mine, that is located 350 kilometres north north east of Kalgoorlie in the Eastern goldfields of Western Australia, 130 kilometres north of Laverton. It is the first mine to be developed by Regis Resources Limited as part of the Duketon Gold Project. Development of the Moolart Well mine was completed in the September quarter of 2010 and given a life of mine of five years.

Moolart Well Mine Already Producing 100,000 Ounces of Gold Annually
The Moolart Well gold mine is producing around 100,000 ounces of gold annually and it is expected resource and reserve growth, from an ongoing and extensive exploration program, will extend the life of the mine beyond that previously announced.

Moolart Well Mine Part of the Duketon Gold Project
Gold bearing ore is mined from the Moolart Well Mine using the traditional large open faced shovels and haulage trucks that take it to the run-of-mine (ROM) storage pad. The Moolart Well Mine is one of several smaller pits Regis Resources Limited are developing within the larger all encompassing Duketon Gold project.

Moolart Well Ore Processed On-site
Gold bearing ore mined from the Moolart Well Mine is processed at the on-site carbon-in-leach (CIL) gold treatment plant that is designed to handle up to two million tonnes of blended oxide and laterite ores a year. The site derives sufficient electric power to run the mine from its own diesel generated power station. The Moolart Well Mine infrastructure assets consists of a 130 person camp, an air strip to fly mine workers to and from the site to complete their shifts, a borefield for the supply of water and a laboratory, along with the gold processing plant and the power station.

MACA Mining Awarded Contract to Operate the Moolart Well Mine
The day to day mining contract to operate the Moolart Well gold mine was awarded to MACA Mining in January 2010 and is due to expire in January 2016. MACA Mining employs up to 50 personnel at the mine site in the provision of drilling, blasting, loading and haulage work.

Garden Well Mine Joins Moolart Well Mine at the Duketon Project
Since the Moolart Well Mine began production at the Duketon Gold Project, Regis Resources has commissioned the nearby Garden Well Mine and the Perth based miner is enjoying steady production levels from both enterprises.

Duketon Project Covers 2,000 Square Kilometres
The Duketon Project contains tenements that cover an area of 2,000 square kilometres and for the 2012/13 financial year produced close to 105,000 ounces of gold. In the March quarter 2013 the Moolart Well mine produced 26,158 ounces of gold and in the December 2012 quarter 2,614 ounces. These production levels were where Regis Resources had estimated they should be at this stage of development and consistant with the anticipated long term run rate. The company has estimated the Moolart Well mine gold reserve as being around 2.7 million ounces with the potential to extend this even further with continued exploration programs.

The success of the Moolart Well mine has proven to Regis Resources Limited that it is able to mine low grade orebodies at low operating costs,
thereby making the projects economically viable during periods of volatile world gold prices.

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