Mine Details



tungsten, molybdenum, camp, FiFo


Address: NT, 

State:  NT,




The Molyhil tungsten and molybdenum project is located in the NorthernTerritory, 220 kilometres north east of Alice Springs, as the crow flies, but 320 kilometres from Alice Springs by road. The Molyhil project is wholly owned by Thor Mining PLC. Mining at Molyhil will be undertaken byopen cut with an estimated annual production rate of 400,000 tonnes a year.

Molyhil Originally Licenced to Petrocarb Exploration

The exploration licence covering the Molyhil tungsten and molybdenumdeposit was originally awarded to Petrocarb Exploration which mined juston 900,000 tonnes of ore from the site up until 1982. Molyhil has hadvarious owners since that time until Thor Mining purchased the lease in2005. In 2013 Thor Mining were given a letter of intent from United Statescompany, Global Tungsten and Powders, indicating they were willing topurchase up to 75 percent of all Molyhil tungsten concentrate for the lifeof the mine.

Molyhil to be Worked as an Open cut Operation

Molyhil mine development will require the expansion of the existing opencut pit. This will be carried out using conventional open cut miningmethods such as drilling, blasting and haulage in order to recover the ore.The ROM (run-of-mine)) ore storage, that is to be situated 100 metresfrom the processing plant, will be large enough to hold a monthsproduction to facilitate blending.

Enhanced ore Sorting Technology to Improve Economic Outcome atMolyhil

During 2013 and 2014 the company looked at the pre-concentration of oresorting technology to be utilised at the Molyhil mine, in order to enhancethe life of the mine and allow for better economic outcomes. This reviewshowed that up to 25 percent of material mined could be eliminatedleaving more payable metal to be processed. This would allow thecompany to lower costs and allow through ore that would otherwise havebeen discarded as not being economic. It has been estimated that theMolyhil mine would have a life of around four years, however, animprovement of just seven percent in economic factors would increase thereserve figure by 50 percent. On the other hand a downturn of 20 percentin economic factors could also reduce the life of mine by 13 percent.

Molyhil Extension Could Include an Underground Operation

Extension to the forecast life of mine of the Molyhil project could entailextending the open cut and possibly an underground mining operation tobe developed at the site. This has the potential to access 65 percent of the resource at Molyhil at depth that has not been included in the Molyhilmine ore reserves. There is also the potential to expand exploration targets, some of which have already been identified several kilometres from the Molyhil site. It is planned to have the Molyhil processing plant producing concentrates from the Molyhil mine in late 2015.

Molyhil Receives all Necessary Approvals to Start Production

Thor Mining has acquired all the necessary agreements from the traditionalowners of the land to proceed with mining at Molyhil, The agreementshave been reached in accordance with the Native Titles Act, the Arraperepeople , the Central Lands Council and Thor Mining. All other governmentapprovals have also been granted for the project to go ahead in late 2015 as planned.

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