thermal-black-coal, coking-black-coal
Level 3, 15 Astor Terrace, Spring Hill, QLD, 4000
State: Level 3, 15 Astor Terrace, Spring Hill, QLD, 4000
The Minyango coal project is situated south of the town of Blackwater in the Bowen Basin Region of Queensland. It is being developed as an underground coal mine that will produce thermal and coking coal for the export market.
The Minyango Coal Mine will be Chinese Owned
The Minyango coal project is being developed by Blackwater Coal Pty
Ltd, a subsidiary company of Caledon Coal Pty Ltd, which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chinese State owned investment company, Guangdong Rising Assets Management (GRAM). GRAM acquired Caledon Coal Pty Ltd in August 2011. The company is currently waiting on the outcome of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report from the Queensland Government.
Minyango Underground Coal Mine to Begin Production in 2014
Once the Minyango underground coal mine begins production in 2014 it is expected to produce up to nine million tonnes of run-of-mine (ROM) coal a year. The coal produced at the Minyango Mine is planned to be exported to Asian countries from the Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal at Gladstone.
Blackwater Coal Pty Ltd is the Proponent Company of the Minyango Coal Project
Blackwater Coal Pty Ltd is the proponent company developing the Minyango coal project, a greenfield project that is planning to develop a multi-seam, underground coal mine along with all the necessary coal mining infrastructure. While it is expected the Minyango underground mining operation will produce up to nine million tonnes a year of ROM coal, this amount of production will be expected to be processed to produce around seven million tonnes of coal annually that is suitable for export.
Minyango Coal Mine to Have a 40 Year Life
The Minyango underground coal mining project is located south of the Central Queensland town of Blackwater. The mining operation, once developed, will use both the bord and pillar, as well as longwall methods of underground mining, in order to extract the coal from two coal seams. The operation will have a life of mine of around 40 years based on current reserves.
Raw coal taken from the coal seam during the underground mining operation at the Minyango Mine will be put through a crushing, screening and washing process in the coal handling and processing plant (CHPP) that is to be constructed in the set aside mine industrial area. The fine and course reject coal is to be stored in a wet co-disposal area. Once processed the export quality coal produced at the CHPP will be loaded onto railway wagons at the new on site load out facility. It will then be transported via the South Blackwater Mine Railway and the Central Railway to the Wiggins Island Export Coal Terminal.
The Minyango underground mine surface infrastructure (other than that of the CHPP) is to be built to the north of the mine. This infrastructure will include the mine administration buildings, the vehicle servicing facilities, the workshop, the bath house including the sediment, raw and mine water dams.
Minyango Project to Employ 500 During Construction
During peak construction the Minyango coal mining project will employ a
workforce of 500 personnel. Once it is ready for production the company will offer 75 full time jobs to local residents. The balance of the workforce will be sourced via a FIFO or DIDO workforce. Company internal transfers will also be offered to workers currently employed at the company's Cook Colliery.