zircon, ilmenite, rutile, leucoxene, , camp, DiDo
Level 6, 50 Grenfell St, Adelaide, SA, 5000
State: Level 6, 50 Grenfell St, Adelaide, SA, 5000
The Mindarie Mineral Sands Project is located in the Mallee Region of South Australia, 150 kilometres east of Adelaide. The project contains individual mining leases on which it undertakes the mining of heavy mineral sands strandlines (the high water mark of ancient seabeds).
The mine slurry unit operation screens out any oversized ore, it then introduces water to the screened ore to create a slurry which allows it to be pumped along pipelines to the wet concentrator plant. When the ore slurry reaches the Mindarie wet concentrator plant it is screened again, this time to remove small rocks before it is pumped through cyclones that remove any silt or clay particles. From here the ore is pumped over spiral classifiers where the heavy minerals are recovered. Once the heavy minerals have been removed the residue is pumped back to the mine as a tailings slurry. It is then treated with flocculent before being deposited at the bottom of the mined out area of the mine where it is left to dry and consolidate. When the tailings are dried out sufficiently the overburden, that was previously stockpiled, is placed over it to fill the void created by the mining operation. Finally the subsoil and topsoil is placed over the lot and planting of original vegetation is introduced.