Mine Details



goldCamp, FiFo


Address: Level 2, 38 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA, 6005 

State:  Level 2, 38 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA, 6005




The Matilda Gold Project is located three kilometres south of the outback town of Wiluna, within the Mid West region of Western Australia, on the edge of the Western Desert where the Gunbarrel Highway and the Canning Stock Route meet. Access to the mine is via the Wiluna Airport which offers direct flights to and from Perth through Maroomba Airlines.

Matilda Gold Project Includes the Regent and Williamson Gold Mines

The Matilda Gold Project tenements cover an area of 780 square kilometres that includes the Regent and Williamson gold mines as well as the Matilda gold mine itself. The project is situated on native title land belonging to the Ngaanyatjarra people.

Matilda Gold Project Contains 4.7 Million Ounces of Gold

The tenements contain a total JORC 2012 resource of 44 million tonnes grading at 3.3 grams of gold a tonne that will return 4.7 million ounces of gold. There is a 10 kilometre strike along the Coles Find Sequence and a 45 kilometres strike along the Wiluna Mine Sequence, both within the Matilda Gold project area. These two Sequences have, in the past, already produced four million ounces of gold. All three deposits are no further than 26 kilometres by road from the Blackham Resurces Gold Processing Plant.

Matilda Gold Project Contains Promising Exploration Projects

The Matilda Gold Project also encompasses exploration prospects in the Lakeway area such as the Albion, Island, Zenith, Red Lady, Carroll Prior, Monarch and Mt Poole deposits that provide the project with promising future gold mining projects.

Blackham Resources Acquire Matilda Gold Project From Apex Minerals

The Matilda Gold Project was acquired by Blackham Resources from Apex Minerals in 2014 after Apex Minerals had the mine placed on a care and maintenance status when it declared insolvency in June, 2013.

Blackham to Produce 100,000 ounces of Gold a Year from Matilda Gold Project

In May, 2015, Blackham Resources announced it had secured sufficient funding from Orion Mine Finance to fully fund the Matilda Gold Project into its production stage by the second quarter of 2016. Blackham Resources have also acquired a 100,000 ounce a year gold processing plant which confirms the company as a near term gold producer.

The Matilda Gold Mine has previously operated as the Mt Wilkinson mine when it was operated in the late 1980's by Chevron Exploration Corporation and in the 1990's by Eon Metals NL. The mine consists of a 10 kilometre strike along the Coles Shear. Historical working at the mine consisted of a series of shallow workings to no more than 50 metres in depth, over a distance of 3.5 kilometres.

The town of Wiluna is a service centre for local Aboriginal people with most of the workers employed at the nearby mines employed on a fly-in-fly-out basis. The climate is hot and dry with low rainfall.

Mines within the Matilda Gold Project tenement area are mainly open pits, the largest is the East Pit. There are also three underground mines in the area. One of these is the Bulletin decline, that includes its extensions Woodley and Calais, that were subjected to an underground drilling program before their closure in 2008. The other two, the East Lode and the Happy Jack mine, were older workings. Most of the open pits are now flooded with salt water, however, the smaller Caledonia Pit contains fresh water and is now the home of yabbies and long neck turtles.

Blackham Resources is currently carrying out evaluations on each reserve and deposit in an effort to expand its current gold inventory that will facilitate its move to its next stage of development.

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