The Leichardt Copper Project located at the Mt Cuthbert Mine, near thetownship of Kajabbi in north west Queensland, is situated about 110kilometres east of Mt Isa. The mine, that was previously owned by CapeLambert, was acquired by Malaysian private company, Malaco MiningSDN BHD through its subsidiary, Malaco Leichardt Pty Ltd, in 2013. Malaco Leichardt Pty Ltd Commences Mining at Mt Cuthbert
Malaco Leichardt Pty Ltd re-commenced mining at the Leichardt CopperProject in 2014 following sustantial re-furbishment resulting in the firstcopper cathode being produced at its onsite processing plant in February,2014. The Leichardt copper project had earlier become known as arespected proven copper producer with its production of LME gradecopper cathode when it was owned by Matrix Metals that enjoyed anofftake agreement with Glencore. The same agreement has been extendedto Malaco Leichardy Pty Ltd. Malaco Mining Purchase Leichardt Copper Project off Cape Lambert
Malaco Mining began negotiations to purchase the Leichardt CopperProject in 2012 after it had been placed on care and maintenance by itsthen owner Cape Lambert. Malaco Leichardt Pty Ltd inherited all essentialinfrastructure with the purchase of the mine and ore body which includedthe oxide open pit and copper oxide stockpiles at Mt Watson, about 30kilometres to the north of the Leichardt processing plant. Mt Cuthbert Processing Plant at Leichardt Copper Project able toProcess 9,000 Tonnes Annually
The processing plant at the Mt Cuthbert Leichardt copper mine includes aheap leach, solvent extraction and electro-winning facility. The coppercathode processing plant is capable of processing 9,000 tonnes of coppermetal a year which can be extended by means of modular expansions. Leichardt Copper Project Includes 800 Square Kilometres of Tenements
The Leichardt copper project acquisition also included granted tenementscovering more than 800 square kilometres in the area surrounding the minesite where Malaco Leichardt Pty Ltd intends to commence exploratory drilltargets in order to increase its sulphide and copper oxide asset inventory.The acquisition also includes a 110 person accommodation camp, administration offices, copper cathode processing plant, grinding circuits, its own electricity producing power plant, airstrip and access roads. Mt Watson Open cut Part of Leichardt Copper Project
The Mt Watson open pit mine, that came as part of the Leichardt MtCuthbert purchase has a substantial resource in its own right, as when itwas closed by Matrix Metals in May, 2008, because of the GlobalFinancial Crisis, the resource was recorded as being 8.1 million tonnesgrading at 0.88 percent copper at a 0.5 percent copper cut-off grade. After Cape Lambert took over the whole operation it confirmed a JORC resource estimate of 10.5 million tonne grading at 0.9 percent copper using a 0.6 percent copper cut-off for 100,000 tonnes of contained copper. Therefore, the estimated amount of leachable contained copper metal in the sampled ore is 93,000 tonnes. This would give the Mt Watson mine a life of 10 years. The Leichardt Mt Cuthbert copper mine is to be managed a a joint venture arrangement that includes Octagon Consolidated, Malaco Mining andMalaco Leichardt Pty Ltd. The mine is being operated as an open cut mineemploying about 70 personnel. The mine will be administrated from thecompany's Australian headquarters in Adelaide. Ore processing companyNordev has been one of the first contracting companies to benefit from there-opening of the Leichardt copper project with it providing interimcrushing and screening at the site.