Mine Details

Lake vermont


coking-black-coal, Mining Camp, DiDo


Address: 12 Creek Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000 

State:  12 Creek Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000




In Nov 2013 Thiess was awarded a $550 million dollar contract expansion at Lake Vermont, to increase output from 6million tonnes a year to 8 million tonnes a year for the remaining 5 years of the current contract ÖÖ Read more here

The Lake Vermont open cut coal mine, 20 kilometres north of Dysart in Queensland, that produces PCI (pulverised coal injection) and hard coking coal, is owned by joint venture partners that comprise; the Jellinbah Group (70 percent), Marubeni Coal (10 percent), Sojitz Coal (10 percent) and AMCI (10 percent). It is managed and operated by mining contractor, Thiess Mining.

Lake Vermont is a Highly Productive Coal Mine
The Lake Vermont is a highly productive coal mine because of the thickness of its coal seam and a favourable strip ratio. It produces four million tonnes of coal annually. The overburden is first drilled and blasted before it is traditionally removed from the site by means of a truck, shovel and dozer push method of open cut mining. The coal mined is by means of excavator and truck method and processed on site in an 800 tonnes an hour capacity processing plant. Throughout the processing operation there is a continuous on line ash sampling analysing operation taking place to ensure a high quality product is delivered to its customers.

Lake Vermont Coal Trains Pull 7,500 Tonnes With Each Load
As the coal leave the processing plant it is taken to coal stockpiles from where it is loaded onto trains capable of pulling 7,500 tonnes with each load. These trains take the coal to either the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal, Gladstone Port or Abbott Point Port from where it is exported to the company's overseas customers.

Rehabilitation has a High Priority at the Lake Vermont Mine
After an area is mined out the void is carefully filled and reshaped before the top soil is replaced and seeded for rehabilitation in compliance with the Queensland Government environmental requirements, that enforce such things as; overburden rehabilitation, water quality, dust emission and noise level.

Thiess Mining has the Contract to Operate the Lake Vermont Mine
Mining contractor, Thiess mining, won the initial contract to develop the Lake Vermont mine infrastructure that took place in 2007. It was also awarded the contract to operate the open cut mine on behalf of the owner when the mine began production in mid 2008. In 2012 the Thiess contract was extended for a further six years that will take it through to 2018.

The contract Thiess has with the Lake Vermont joint venture partners gives Thiess responsibility for all mining operations that are carried out at the site, this includes the clearing of the site, the grubbing of trees, the removal of top soil, all drilling and blasting connected with loosening the overburden, the coal mining itself and the eventual rehabilitation of the site. Thiess also have responsibility for the provision of all plant and equipment as well as the operation and maintenance of the coal handling and processing plant (CHPP), right through to the loading of the coal onto the trains that take it to the coast for export.

Lake Vermont CHPP is a 'State of the Art' Facility
The CHPP at the Lake Vermont mine is a 'state of the art' facility that can handle up to 800 tonnes of coal an hour which equates to 11.2 million tonnes of coal annually. It produces two high quality coal products, a PCI coal product and a coking coal product. Included within the CHPP is a train load-out facility that is capable of loading the coal into railway wagons at the rate of 4,000 tonnes and hour.

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