Mine Details



copper, gold, camp, FiFo


Address: Level 9, 303 Coronation DR, Milton, QLD, 4064 

State:  Level 9, 303 Coronation DR, Milton, QLD, 4064




The Kulthor underground copper mine, that is part of the Osborne mining project and located 150 kilometres south of Cloncurry in north westQueensland, is expected to keep producing until August 2015.

The Kulthor Mine is Completely Chinese Owned

The Kulthor mine is owned by Chinova Resources, a privately ownedsubsidiary of Chinese company, Shanki Donghui Coal Coking andChemicals Group Company Limited. Chinova Resources recommendedwork commence on developing an underground copper mine at Kulthor in2011, at the same time as it began developing the adjacent Osbornedeposit.The mining of copper and gold bearing ore at the Kulthorunderground mine on a commercial basis began in February 2012 when theOsborne processing plant came into production.

Long Mining History in Vicinity of the Kulthor Mine

The Kulthor underground copper and gold mine is located amongnumerous historical mines that began their lives following the discovery of their mineral outcroppings over a century ago.

Kulthor Mine is Part of the Osborne Group of Mines

The Kulthor mine has been worked by Chinova Resources along with twoother underground copper-gold mines, the Osborne and the Starra. TheKulthor is to be the last of the three to remain productive but it too is due to close about August 2015.

Kulthor Concentrate Taken to Townsville

Copper and gold bearing ore from the Kulthor mine is processed at theOsborne mine site with the resulting concentrate either trucked, or railed, to Townsville. The Kulthor mine is currently producing around one million tonnes of copper ore annually.

Chinova Resources Acquired Valuable Infrastructure With Purchaseof the Osborne Mine Group

When Chinova Resources acquired the Osborne and Kulthor mines it alsoinherited a copper and gold flotation concentrator plant that was able tohandle up to two million tonnes of production a year, a modernaccommodation camp capable of housing 470 employees, a 22.3 megawattdiesel and gas fired power station along with the gas pipeline, a twokilometre long airstrip able to handle jet aircraft to be utilised by the fly-infly-out workforce, a mobile and underground fleet of vehicles in excellent operating condition as well as 353 square kilometres of exploration tenements adjacent to its own tenements that offered good prospects for ongoing mill feed at the Osborne mine site.

PYBAR Awarded Contract to Operate the Kulthor Mine

The contract to operate the Kulthor underground copper and gold mine wasawarded to PYBAR Mining Services. The contract required PYBAR todevelop 6,800 metres underground and the production of over three and ahalf million tonnes of copper and gold bearing ore. PYBAR were alsoawarded the contract to carry out mining and maintenance work at the Osborne and Starra 276 underground mines.

Chinova Resources was originally the Australian arm of Canadian based,Chinova Resources, that, at the time, was the largest mineral explorationcompany in Australia. Chinova Resources has significant holdings innorth west Queensland particularly in the Mount Isa Region.

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