ammonium-nitrate, Town, DiDo
15 Greenleaf Rd, kooragang, NSW, 2304
State: 15 Greenleaf Rd, kooragang, NSW, 2304
Kooragang Island, that is located at Newcastle, in New South Wales, at theentrance to the Hunter Valley, is an integral part of Orica's world wideoperations in that it is here where the company bases a product dispatchfacility, two ammonium nitrate plants, three nitric acid plants and anammonia plant. The Orica Kooragang Island operations employ 210permanent personnel and up to 40 regular contractors. During plantmaintenance periods this worforce expands by a further 150 people.
The Kooragang Island plants produce ammonia nitrate by causing achemical reaction to occur between nitric acid and ammonia. Liquid andsolid ammonium nitrate products are manufactured at the KooragangIsland plants.
The granulated Opal, Orica's other ammonium nitrate product, ismanufactured in a different plant. In this plant the nitric acid andvapourised ammonia is mixed in a pipe reactor in order to produce asolution. Some of this solution is sent offsite to be used in the making of medical gas, or explosive emulsions. What is retained is put through anevaporator to give the ammonium nitrate a higher concentration. Thehighly concentrated solution is then sprayed into a fluidised drumgranulator which forms small balls of solid ammonium nitrate. The productis then screened to a four millimetre size before the granules are coated to improve their storage capability as was done with the prill product.Oversize and undersize granules are returned to tbe crushed and then onceagain put through the granulator. Solid ammonium nitrate ready formarketing is stored in bulk in air conditioned storage. From here it is either bagged or dispatched in bulk. The bagging facility places the product into bags that hold more than one tonne.