Mine Details

Integra camberwell


coking-black-coal, thermal-black-coal, , Town, DiDo


Address: NSW, 

State:  NSW,




The Integra (Camberwell) open cut mine is part of the Integra mining complex that also includes the Glennies Creek Colliery ( the Integra underground mine) and the Integra North open cut mine. The Camberwell Coal Joint Venture (CCJV) itself received governmental development consent in 1990. Development of the mine soon got underway, with the coal handling preparation plant (CHPP) being constructed and the rail loop to the CHPP completed. The first coal was mined from the site in March 1991.

Integra (Camberwell) is Part of the Integra Coal Venture
In August 2006 the Camberwell Coal Joint Venture was integrated with the Glennies Creek Joint Venture (GCJV) to form the one body, Integra Coal Joint Venture (ICJV). On April 20, 2007, Vale, then known as Brazils Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), purchased part ownership of the mine when it acquired AMCI Holdings Australia. CVRD Australia Pty Ltd became Vale Australia Pty Ltd in February 2008 and at that time held 61.2 percent of Integra Coal Joint Venture shares. Other shareholders in the joint venture included; Navidale (14 percent), Toyoya Tsusho Mining (11.2 percent), NS Glennis Creek (3.6 percent), POS-GC (3.6 percent), Toyota Tsusho Coal (2.8 percent), JS Glennies Creek (1.8 percent) and JFE Steel Australia (1.8 percent).

Integra (Camberwell) is Located Adjacent to the Glennies Creek Underground Mine
The Glennies Creek and Integra (Camberwell) coal mines are located adjacent to each other, in the Hunter Valley, 10 kilometres from Singleton. Their post mining operations are inter-related in that the coal is washed and stockpiled at the Camberwell mine prior to it being transported by rail to Newcastle. The Integra Complex is operated as an unincorporated joint venture under Integra Coal Operations Pty Ltd, the management company operating both the underground and surface mining activities.

Integra (Camberwell) is a Series of Open Pits
The Integra underground activities have, in the past, included the North Pit that ceased mining activity in 1999. The bulk of this pit has now been backfilled apart from a small section that has been left to allow a portal to access the Glennies Creek underground mine. The South Pit has also ceased mining activities and is now used for waste emplacement.

Pits where active mining is still being carried out include the Western Extension that is actually an extension of the former South Pit. The Western Extension produced its first ROM coal in May 2011. The North Open Cut began mining operations in 2009.

The Integra mining complex produces semi-soft and semi-hard metallurgical coal for the steel manufacturing industry throughout the world. It also produces steam, or thermal coal, that is exported for overseas power generation. Integra (Camberwell) is a medium sized coal mining operation covering an area of 1,500 hectares that employs around 340 personnel. It is a multi-seam operation that uses the conventional truck and shovel method of open pit coal mining. The mine produces 1.3 million tonnes of coking/PCI standard coal and 1.2 million tonnes of thermal coal a year. The life of mine at the present time is estimated to be 2019 but further coal deposit exploitation is expected to extend the mine life well beyond the current time-frame.

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