Mine Details



copper, gold, , Town, DiDo


Address: L19, 11 Waymouth St, Adelaide, SA, 5000 

State:  L19, 11 Waymouth St, Adelaide, SA, 5000




The Hillside copper mine project, near the town of Ardrossan in SouthAustralia, has been given South Australian State Government Approval. The project is both owned and being developed by Rex Minerals Limited,an Australian mineral exploration and development organisation that hasthe intention of developing gold and copper projects on South Australia'sYorke Peninsula.

The Hillside Copper Project has Been 10 Years in the Making

The Hillside project has been slowly developed by Rex Minerals for morethan 10 years, with over six years being spent in exploration and a further three and a half years in consultation with the community and complying with certain regulatory requirements. The Hillside copper project is regarded by Rex Minerals as having one of Australia's largest open cut copper reserves. Copper was discovered at the site during the 2008/09 financial year and exploratory drilling bagan in 2010. The mine isexpected to have a life of mine of more than 15 years, producing up to100,000 tonnes of copper ore a year.

Hillside Copper Mine to be an Underground and Open Pit Operation

The Hillside copper mine, once operational will consist of an open cut aswell as an underground mine that will produce concentrate containing goldas well as copper and iron ore in the form of magnetite. The concentratewill be taken 12 kilometres by pipeline from the mine, to Port Ardrossan,where it will undergo washing before being stored and loaded onto shipsfor export.

It is expected construction to start on the Hillside project, when allapprovals are finalised, in 2015. Construction is planned to take around 18 months to complete, with commissioning to take place in the latter half of 2016.

Hillside Construction Plans well Advanced

Construction will require the following work to be completed:The obtaining of electric power through the construction of a power linelinking the mine to a sub-station at ArdrossanThe building of pipelines to carry both water and concentrate between themine site and ArdrossanThe upgrading of existing loading facilities at Port ArdrossanThe building of a filtration plantRoad upgrading as well as the diversion of a public highwayThe provision of a storage facility to cater for the waste rock and minetailingsThe construction of supporting mining infrastructure including a mineralprocessing plantThe preparation of an open pit to expose the copper ore and well as theconstruction of an underground mining operation

Hillside Project Approvals Granted by Both State and Federal Governments

The Hillside mine has received environmental approval from the FederalGovernment, along with State Government approvals for the upgrading ofthe port at Ardrossan, as well as for the work required to be undertaken on the road network.

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