Mine Details

Hazelwood magnesium


magnesium, Town, DiDo


Address: VIC, 

State:  VIC,




A major move towards Latrobe Magnesium Limited going ahead with itsHazelwood Magnesium Project, in Victoria's Latrobe Valley, for theproduction of commercial grade magnesium from fly ash, a waste materialleft over after the burning of brown coal, has moved a step further with the first bulk shipment sent to China for testing in September, 2014.

Hazelwood Magnesium Project to use World First Processing Technique

The Hazelwood Magnesium Project will incorporate the construction of amagnesium production plant that will use an innovative world firstprocess, of combined hydromet and thermal reduction. The new extractionprocess to be used will allow the plant to retrieve magnesium metal fromindustrial fly ash left over after the production of electricity from brown coal. Construction of the Hazelwood Magnesium project plant is planned to start in 2015 with the first commercial grade magnesium due to leave the plant in 2016.

Hazelwood Magnesium Project Located in the Heart of Victoria'sBrown Coal Deposits

The Hazelwood Magnesium Project will be constructed on an 11 hectareblock of land in the middle of Victoria's major brown coal powered powerstations. The magnesium produced at the new plant has a high strength toweight ratio and will be sought after around the world for the manufacturing of car parts, power tools, mobile phones and laptopcomputers. At the present time Australia imports all of the 10,000 tonnes of magnesium it uses each year. Latrobe Magnesium will be able to servicethis market as well as be in the position to export over 800,000 tonnes into the world market. The project is also environmentally attractive in that it turns power plant waste into a valuable commodity. The HazelwoodMagnesium Project's use of breakthrough technology, material handlingefficiency and its location, will allow it to operate at world competitivecosts.

Hazelwood Magnesium Project to Receive Fly Ash Slurry FromPipelines Connected to Power Stations

The Latrobe Valley in eastern Victoria is the home of the state's vast brown coal reserves that produce 85 percent of Victoria's power needs at the Loy Yang, Yallourn and Hazelwood power stations. These power station have produced, and are still producing, very large quantities of fly ash that is discarded into waste ponds. At the present time these ponds hold over 25 million tonnes of fly ash with a further 500,000 tonnes being added each year. The plant will receive fly ash feedstock from the power stations by means of slurry pipelines. The Latrobe Valley is also able to provide existing infrastructure and a skilled workforce.

Fly ash left over from the burning of Latrobe Valley brown coal is veryhigh in magnesium content and Latrobe Magnesium Limited is to recoverthis metal along with other products that also exist as fly ash. It is planned to initially produce 5,000 tonnes of magnesium metal annually at the Hazelwood Magnesium Project. In October, 2011, a pre-feasibility studywas successfully completed that verified the economic viability of theproject. A later adjustment study confirmed the previous pre-feasibilitystudy assumptions. The sending off of a bulk sample to China was nextthat will now lead to the commencement of a final bankable feasibilitystudy.

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