Mine Details

Grosvenor west




Address: Level 1, Breakfast Creek Road, Newstead, QLD, 4006 

State:  Level 1, Breakfast Creek Road, Newstead, QLD, 4006




The Grosvenor West open cut coal mine project, located 60 kilometres south of Glenden, 10 kilometres north west of Moranbah and 160 kilometres south west of Mackay, in Central Queensland, has been progressed up until now by Carabella Resources Limited and was heading towards production of premium hard coking coal for the export market in 2015. However, from the beginning of 2014 the project has come under the control of Wealth Mining Pty Ltd a fully owned subsidiary of China Kingho Energy Group.†

Grosvenor West Operation to be an Open Cut Mine

Grosvenor West is a large scale coal mining project located in the northern section of the coal rich Bowen Basin in Queensland that has a hard coking coal JORC resource of 141 million tonnes. The mine is to be developed as an open cut operation and is scheduled to begin production in late 2015, producing around five million tonnes of ROM (run-of-mine) coal annually, a rate that would give a mine of life of up to 20 years.

Grosvenor West Mine Close to Essential Infrastructure

The Grosvenor West Project is located 197 kilometres from the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal south of Mackay and 238 kilometres from the Abbott Point Coal Terminal that is accessed by means of the Newlands railway system. The Grosvenor West project eastern boundary is only five kilometres from the Moranbah North railway loop and the Goonyella branch railway. Its southern boundary is 18 kilometres from Clermont Blair Athol railway line.

The Grosvenor West Project is located in close proximity to the Moranbah North, Goonyella North/Eagleford and the Goonyella/Riverside/Broadmeadow coking coal mines. It is situated close to existing infrastructure such as; power lines, sealed roads and various railway systems.

Grosvenor West Cattle Grazing Area to Become a Busy Minesite

The entire Grosvenor West mining lease covers ground that has been historically used for low intensity cattle farming. It is currently being used for cattle grazing resource exploration drilling and coal mine development activities.

Carabella Resources Limited, the company that has been developing the Grosvenor West project, was acquired by Wealth Mining Pty Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of China Kingho Energy Group, under an agreement signed between the companies on December 24, 2013.

The construction of the Grosvenor West coal mine will require the building of a coal handling preparation plant (CHPP),maintenance workshops, administration buildings, rail loop and rail load out facility, CHPP waste water storage and ROM and product coal stockpile areas.

The waste rock associated with the removal of overburden will be stored near the CHPP waste storage facility. The workshops, administration, CHPP, product and ROM coal stockpiles will all be located in the general infrastructure area. Other infrastructure will include car parks, water pipeline routes and topsoil storage stockpiles. The water management system that is required will service general mining activities and the CHPP as well as a raw water holding dam and sediment management structures.

The Grosvenor West coking coal project is being developed close to, and north east of, the Rugby coal deposit. The Rugby deposit and the Grosvenor deposits combined represent around 2.4 billion tonnes of†available thermal and coking coal. Existing and planned mining of these deposits will represent a mining rate of 26 million tonnes of coal a year.

The Grosvenor West coal project will use a mixture of a local and fly-in- fly-out workforce with an onsite mining camp being built for the construction workers only. Around 100 people will be required for the construction phase of development. When operational the mine will require a workforce of 400 permanent workers.

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