Mine Details

Garden well erlistoun


goldCamp, FiFo


Address: Head office Po box 862, Subiaco, WA, 6904 

State:  Head office Po box 862, Subiaco, WA, 6904




The Garden Well-Erlistoun open cut gold mine, 70 kilometres north of Laverton in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, is owned by Regis Resources Limited and operated by mining contracting company, Mining and Civil Australia Limited (MACA).

The Largest Gold Discovery in the Area in Recent Times

The Garden Well gold deposit, a part of the Duketon Greenstone Belt, is†the largest recent gold discovery in the area with a JORC compliant Resource of 2.56 million ounces of gold and a Reserve of 1.66 million ounces. It is no more than 30 kilometres from the company's Moolart Well Gold Mine.

Garden Well-Erlistoun Gold Deposit was a Blind Virgin Discovery

The Garden Well-Erlistoun area was first drilled in 2008 extending from the Moolart Well deposit that was discovered in 2001. There had been no historical gold working, nor had there been any previous drilling of the area. It was therefore looked on as being a blind virgin discovery when the find was announced. Several small historical workings had taken place in adjacent tenements over the last 40 years but nothing on the Regis Resources tenements.

The Garden Well gold mine is only seven kilometres from the rich mineralised area containing the Erlistoun deposit and the Duketon Greenstone Belt that are located in the north east corner of the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, a part of the Yilgarn Craton.

A Gold Reserve of 157,533 Ounces at the Rich Duketon Gold Project

Regis Resources Limited consolidated its hold on the Erlistoun deposit when it successfully acquired the Garden Well lease that was contiguous with what it already held in the area. This acquisition allowed the company to include resources and mineralisation of both licence areas that gave them a gold reserve of 157,533 ounces. It also allowed for shorter ore haulage to the closer, new, Garden Well processing plant. The gold Resource at the Garden Well-Erlistoun Mine goes to a depth of 460 metres with most of the contained gold existing in the first 200 metres and 88 percent in the first 300 metres.

Mining Contractor Mining and Civil Australia Limited (MACA)Operate the Garden Well-Erlistoun Mine

Mining at the Garden Well-Erlistoun gold mine is carried out by mining contractor, MACA, who also supply the same services to Regis Resources Limited's nearby Moolart Well gold mine. The open cut mining operation at the Garden Well-Erlistoun Mine follows the conventional truck and shovel excavation method. The processing plant at the mine is capable of handling four million tonnes of ore a year using a three stage crushing circuit, scrubber and a single ball mill. The crushed ore is then treated by gravity and carbon -in-leach (CIL) circuits.

The Garden Well-Erlistoun gold mine is expected to have a life of mine of nine years with a production rate of 180,000 ounces of gold a year, based of current reserves. However, further drilling is expected to extend these reserves substantially. The company has built a 250 person accommodation village at the mine site for its fly-in-fly-out workforce.

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