gold, DiDo
State: NZ,
The Frasers underground gold mine is located 100 kilometres north of the South Island city of Dunedin, in the Otago Region of New Zealand. The mine, that is owned and operated by OceanaGold, is part of the Macraes gold mining project which is the largest gold mine in New Zealand.
The gold treatment plant that is located near the Macraes open pit also processes the ore mined from the Frasers underground mine. The plant includes a pressure oxidation facility to process the sulphide ore which is one of only three operating in the southern hemisphere. At the processing plant, the ore is crushed before being subjected to grinding flotation, fine grinding, pressure oxidation CIL (carbon-in-leach), elution,electro winning and finally smelting. Refactory ore is subjected to a multistage processing procedure to increase recovery.
The Frasers underground mine has measured and indicated resources totaling 0.86 million ounces of gold with inferred resources of 0.6 million ounces of gold, it also has gold reserves of 0.12 million ounces. Mining at the Frasers underground mine is expected to be completed in 2015, although it remains hopeful that identification and development of additional potential underground mining could occur along the Macraes line of strike, in the future.
OceanaGold has an environmental management plan surrounding the life of the Frasers underground gold mine that is based on the complete life cycle of the operation. This plan began with the exploration drilling program that was undertaken prior to the mine being commissioned in 2008. It continued throughout the life of the mine and will eventually come into force again when decommissioning is warranted and the focus isswitched to the mine's closure and site rehabilitation.
Throughout this time OceanaGold has not only met but often exceeded government regulations that have been put in place to protect the natural environment surrounding the Frasers underground mine site.
The company has carried out environmental induction programs throughout the life of the mine that has helped to define different responsibilities as well as duty of care in the relationship surrounding activities at the mine site and the surrounding communities. It has always engaged qualified internal staff and external consultants to conduct thorough assessments regarding waste, noise pollution, cultural sites, air quality, water, fauna and flora impacts so that any action required to be taken was promptly taken care of.