goldMining Camp, FiFo
PO Box 153, Kalgoorlie, WA, 6430
State: PO Box 153, Kalgoorlie, WA, 6430
No mining is currently taking place in the Fairplay-Area open pit, a part of the Higginsville Gold Operation in the Eastern Goldfields Region of Western Australia, as mine owner, Alacer Gold Corporation, are evaluating the feasibility of creating a portal at the site to create underground access to the Corona deposit. This feasibility study involves the following:
- Alacer Gold Corporation having approved the construction of an exploratory decline from the Fairplay-Area open pit to facilitate exploration underground drilling and to give access to the Corona ore body.
- The decline construction will take nine months to set up both the site establishment and mine development work at a cost of around $11 million. Once completed it will provide the necessary infrastructure and access to the high grade ore contained in the Corona deposit.
- The exploration decline from the Fairplay-Area open pit will incorporate drill platforms for about one kilometre of strike along the highly mineralised Higginsville Line of Lode.
- The high grade Corona ore body is only two kilometres from the Higginsville Gold Processing Plant and it will be accessed via a a kilometre long decline leading from the Fairplay-Area open pit portal.
- The Corona deposit is located between 200 and 350 metres from the surface and offers substantial value to the Higginsville operation.
Fairplay-Area Owner Alacer is a Company Formed From the Merger of Avoca and Anatolia Mining Companies
Fairplay-Area owner Alacer Gold Corporation is a comparatively new international intermediate gold producer. It is based in Canada and formed from the merger in early 2011 of Avoca Resources Limited and Anatolia Minerals Development Limited.
Fairplay-Area Mining Lease is Part of the Higginsville Gold Operation Tenements
The company has leases at the Higginsville Gold Operation covering around 2,700 square kilometres centred on the abandoned gold mining town of Higginsville located 55 kilometres north of Norseman and 125 kilometres south of Kalgoorlie. The Higginsville leases lie between Norseman and Kambalda in the Coolgardie Mineral Field, within the Shire of Coolgardie Municipal Area. There are 162 leases in total and of these 10 are general purpose or miscellaneous leases, 57 are prospecting licences, 53 exploration licences and 42 mining leases.
Gold Processing Takes Place on Site at the Higginsfield Gold Processing Plant
The gold processing plant at the Higginsville Gold Operations comprises a conventional crushing, grinding, gravity and CIL (carbon-in-leach) circuit capable of processing 1.3 million tonnes of ore annually. It currently treats ore mined from the Trident underground mine, the Vine open cut and the Chalice underground mine.
Goldfields Mining Services are Higginsville Gold's Management Contractors
Mining services contractor, Goldfields Mining Services Pty Ltd (GMS),
have the responsibility of providing open pit management, mine superintendent, drill, blasting and mining engineering services to the Higginsville Gold Operations that includes the Fairplay-Area open pit and planned underground operations. Goldfields Mining Services is a growing body of mining experts based at Kalgoorlie who provide technical services and professional mine management as well as supervision of mining operations. The work carried out by GMS covers all areas of mining including surveying, geology and engineering.