Mine Details



coking-black-coalcamp, FiFo


Address: 3/22 Magnolia Dr, Brookwater, QLD, 4300 

State:  3/22 Magnolia Dr, Brookwater, QLD, 4300




The Elimatta open cut thermal coal mining project is located 45 kilometressouthwest of the southern Queensland town of Taroom, 380 kilometresnorth west of Brisbane, within the Western Downs Municipality. Theproject area covers 4,460 hectares as well as a land corridor of 36kilometres to accommodate the project's rail and other services.

Elimatta Coal Project to be Developed by New Hope

The Elimatta Project is being developed by Taroom Coal Pty Ltd on behalf of its parent company, New Hope Group. New Hope Group is an Australian owned coal mining and energy company that has been operating in south east Queensland for over 60 years.

Elimatta Life of Mine to be Around 40 Years.

Major infrastructure work to be undertaken on the Elimatta Project willinclude an accommodation village, permanent diversion of part of HorseCreek, water management dams, mining voids, spoil dumps, tailingsstorage, the West Surat Railway Link, a railway load-out facility and a coal handling and processing plant (CHPP). The mine will have a life of mine of at least 40 years, a period that includes the construction phase, its operational stage, decommissioning and final rehabilitation of the site.

Elimatta Coal to be Exported Through the Wiggins Island Coal Terminal at Gladstone

Coal mined from the Elimitta open cut coal mine is to be railed via the new Surat Basin Railway, and existing railways, to the Wiggins Island CoalTerminal, near the Queensland coastal town of Gladstone, from where itwill be exported. The new Western Surat Link will take the coal a distanceof 36 kilometres to where it joins the existing Surat Basin Railway, justnorth of Wandoan. The railway corridor will also carry power and watersupply infrastructure to the Elimatta mine and other users in the same area.

Elimatta Mine to Produce Five Million Tonnes of Coal a Year

The Elimatta thermal coal project coal resource in the Surat Basin contains over 259 million tonnes of coal. Once operational, the mine will extract up to 8.2 million tonnes of run-of-mine (ROM) coal that will produce around five million tonnes of export quality product coal annually.When operational the Elimatta open cut will be mined using the excavatorand truck method of mining with the coal being fed into a two stage coalprocessing plant that will be able to handle up to 1,200 tonnes an hour. Top soil will be temporarily stored to be used again at a later date forrehabilitation purposes. Waste soil and rock overburden management willincorporate both out of pit and in pit spoil dumps that will be contiguouswith pit excavation.The Elimatta CHPP will consist of crushing, screening and washing theraw coal to separate it from waste materials. Rejects from the CHPP willinitially be pumped into the tailings storage dams but as the years progress will be deposed of as in-pit tailings material.

Elimatta Project to be Accessed by Perretts Road

Access to the Elimatta coal project is by means of Perretts Road, the roadthat runs along the side of Horse Creek that flows in a north southdirection through the project site. For this reason Perretts Road is to berelocated to outside the mining area. Part of Perretts Road will be relocated east of its present siting, although it will remain the mine site's main access road. Elimatta mine construction is expected to take between 22 and 24 months to complete. Operational staff will start work at the site 13 months after construction begins. Initial construction will incorporate earthworks that will build a landscape more suitable for the development of mine infrastructure.

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