Mine Details

Eastern creek




Address: Level 5, 340 Adelaide St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000 

State:  Level 5, 340 Adelaide St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000




The Eastern Creek open cut coal mine in the northern Bowen Basin regionof Queensland is an extension of the Newlands coal mine. The mine islocated 30 kilometres north west of Glenden, the closest town to the minethat has a population of around 1,360 people. It is also sited 140kilometres west of Mackay, the largest regional centre. Glenden wasfounded in 1983 to service the Newlands coal mine and remains the main service centre and accommodation area for contractors and mineemployees working in the area.

Eastern Creek Extension to use Same Infrastructure and Workforce

The Eastern Creek extension comprises around 11,674 hectares west of theRedcliffe Tableland. It is crossed by three creeks, Cerito Creek, WilsonCreek and Eastern Creek that make up the upper reaches of the BurdekinRiver catchment. The existing Newlands mine comprises of 11 miningleases covering an area of 20,166 hectares. The Eastern Creek miningoperation makes use of the Newlands mine infrastructure that includes thecoal handling and preparation plant, the reject and tailings disposal areas, the administration offices, warehouse complex, water and sewagetreatment facilities, haulage roads, explosive storage, airstrip, workshops and rail load out facility.

Eastern Creek Mine Part of the Newlands Group of Four Mines

The Newlands mine produces around 10.5 million tonnes of product exportcoal annually and consists of four distinct mining operations, these being; (1) the main deposit, which includes the Northern Underground mine and an open cut mine, it also houses the CHPP (coal handling and processing plant), (2) the Eastern Creek open cut mine, (3) the Suttor Creek open cut mine and (4) the Wollombi open cut mine.

These four mining operations had sufficient coal reserves to allow their underground and open cut mines to operate at full capacity until 2013 , when, to be able to continue operations at the same level, it required mining of the Eastern Creek extension, using the same workforce and infrastructure. Without the Eastern Creek extension becoming available the mine would not remain commercially viable after 2015 for its underground mine and 2023 for its open cut operations. Although the Eastern Creek and the Northern Underground extensions will prolong mining operations at the Newlands complex to 2042, the mine's annual ROM (run-of-mine) production level will remain constant.

Eastern Creek Mine is Part of the NCA Project

Eastern Creek, is part of Newlands Coal NCA Project, a steaming andcoking coal producer involved in coal mining, processing and exporting,that, besides encompassing the Newlands open cut and undergroundmining activities, it also includes the Collinsville open cut coal mine and the Abbot Point coal terminal on the coast from where its coal production is exported overseas. The project is owned by joint venture partners; Xstrata Coal with a 55 percent interest, Itochu Coal Resources with 35 percent and Sumitomo with 10 percent. The Abbot Point terminal is owned by Ports Corporation of Queensland.

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