Mine Details

Daisy milano


gold, Town, DiDo


Address: Mount Monger Rd, kalgoorlie, WA, 6433 

State:  Mount Monger Rd, kalgoorlie, WA, 6433




The Daisy Milano gold mine is part of the Mount Monger mining operations in the Western Australian Goldfields that has a tenement area covering 1,728 square kilometres. It is owned by Silver Lake Resources Limited. The Mount Monger road leading to the Daisy Milano Mine has a sealed bitumen surface for the first 15 kilometres out of Kalgoorlie, it then changes to an all weather unsealed surface for the remaining 35 kilometres.

Daisy Milano Deposit has Similar Characteristics to That of the Kalgoorlie Golden Mile
The ore bodies containing gold at the Daisy Milano Mine have certain similarities to that of the lode structures of the Kalgoorlie Golden Mile 50 kilometres to its north west. Its veining and shearing is similar as is the gold tenure and alteration assemblage.

The gold deposit at the Daisy Milano Mine is hosted by a north south trending shear zone that encompasses a dilational zone. The mineralisation itself occurring within thin veins of quartz that are usually no more than two metres wide dipping eastwards at around 80 degrees. It then plunges to the south and lengthening in strike value as it goes deeper.

Daisy Milano Mine Decline Reaches 900 Metres
Access to the Daisy Milano Mine is by a decline to a depth of about 900 metres. Ore at the mine is extracted by means of both mechanised and handheld methods. This is because, in some areas, the narrow ore zone is better accessed by means of airleg development and stoping as in these situations mechanised methods would not be an economical option. In other areas twin and single boom jumbo's are used along with selective longhole stoping.

Daisy Milano ore Processed at Lakewood Gold Processing Facility
Ore mined at Daisy Milano is processed at the Silver Lakes's own Lakewood Gold Processing Plant situated five kilometres from Kalgoorlie. The processing plant follows conventional methods of extracting the gold from the ore that is only moderately hard. Approximately 80 percent of the gold is routinely recovered but this is increased to 96 percent by putting the ore through a gravity circuit before it is exposed to cyanide leaching.

Older Working Only Mined to Shallow Depths
Gold mining began in the Mount Monger area in the early 1900's and there are many historical workings to be seen that extend northward. However, the early miners restricted themselves to sub-cropping the main deposits to depths of no more than 80 metres.
The Mount Monger gold producing mines consist of three underground mines, Rosemary, Haoma and Daisy Milano and the Maxwells open pit. There are no less than nine other deposits emerging as viable open cut or underground projects. Some are already being developed.

Silver Lake Resources Acquired Mine in 2007
Silver Lake Resources acquired the Mount Monger tenements in late 2007 and commenced mining at Daisy Milano just one month later. It purchased the LGPF (Lakewood Gold Processing Facility) at the same time and immediately began a refurbishment program that lasted for four months. The first Silver Lakes Resources gold bar was poured in March 2008. By mid 2012 the processing facility had produced a total of 250,000 ounces of gold.

Leighton Holdings Developed the Daisy Milano Project
Leightons Holdings were the original mining contractor that got the Mount Monger operations off the ground when they began development work at the Daisy Milano Mine in February 2008. It was Leightons that provided mechanised development underground by means of conventional drilling and blasting. Leightons were achieving between 250 and 350 development metres every month with only one development team depending on the long hole stope and drilling needs at that particular stage of progress.

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