Mine Details

Cock eyed bob


gold, Town, DiDo


Address: Suite 4, level 3, South Shore Centre, 85 South Perth Esplanade, South Perth, WA, 6151 

State:  Suite 4, level 3, South Shore Centre, 85 South Perth Esplanade, South Perth, WA, 6151




The Cock-eyed Bob underground gold mine in Western Australia is located 50 kilometres south east of Kalgoorlie along the Mount Monger Road. The road is sealed for the initial 15 kilometres out of Kalgoorlie. It then becomes an all weather road for the last 35 kilometres. The mine is part of the Silver Lakes Resources Mount Monger tenements that cover an area totalling 1,728 square kilometres.

Cock-eyed Bob Gold Mine is 13 Kilometres From the Randall Gold

Processing Plant

The Cock-eyed Bob gold mine is fortunate to have been established just 13 kilometres from the Silver Lake Resources owned, Randalls gold processing plant, where all its mined ore is treated.

Silver Lake Resources Re-opened the Cock-eyed Bob Mine in June 2013

Underground mining began at the Cock-eyed Bob mine in January 2012 when it was owned by Integra Mining Limited. However, when Integra Mining Limited merged with Silver Lake Resources it was placed on care and maintenance. In June 2013 Silver Lake Resources decided to re-open the Cock-eyed Bob Mine.

Cock-eyed Bob Mine has Substantial Gold Resource

Sliver Lake resources have been careful ramping up production at the Cock-eyed Bob gold mine as it is trialling the most appropriate mining method to better care for this particular gold bearing deposit, as it is a very nuggety type of gold mineralisation that commonly contains quite visible gold deposits. Historical deep exploratory drilling at the Cock-eyed Bob mine site has returned a substantial high grade gold bearing deposit with the potential to become a large underground gold mining operation. The Cock-eyed Bob mine has a current gold bearing Resource of 1.1 million tonnes grading at four grams a tonne of gold for 150,000 ounces. It also has a reserve of 54,700 ounces.

Cock-eyed Bob Mine Acquired as Part of the Integra Merger with Silver Lakes Resources

When Silver Lake Resources merged with Integra Mining in January 2013 it created a substantial gold producing entity with a combined resource base of 6.4 million ounces of gold. The merger provided the two merged companies with positive economics of scale while at the same time allowed Silver Lake Resources to maximise its production outcomes.

The important assets that were acquired included the Randalls gold processing plant that has a capacity to handle 1.2 million tonnes of mineralised ore a year, it also included the Maxwells open pit mine and the Cock-eyed Bob mine underground operation. At the end of June 2013 the Mount Monger gold mining operations had produced 400,000 ounces of gold for the Silver Lake Resources gold mining company.

Silver Lakes Gold Processing Plants can Handle up to 900,000 Tonnes Annually

In January 2012 the first stage of the Silver Lakes Resources owned Lakewood Gold Processing Facility expansion plan was completed. This expansion allowed the company to increase its overall ore throughput to 700,000 tonnes a year. By June 2012 this had been further increased to 900,000 tonnes annually.

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