Mine Details

Central murchison gold project


goldcamp, FiFo


Address: L3,18-32 Parliament Pl, West Perth, WA, 6005 

State:  L3,18-32 Parliament Pl, West Perth, WA, 6005




The Central Murchison Gold Project, that is owned and operated by Metals X, is located 600 kilometres north east of Perth, in Western Australia. It is part of the Murchison Gold Province. The main Central Murchison Gold Project includes several gold mining projects, all within 100 kilometres of the main project area. It is currently the focus of significant gold mining development in various stages of construction, commissioning and production, which includes both open pit and underground operations.

Central Murchison Gold Project to Have a Long Life

There are three main gold mining operations that make up the greater Central Murchison Gold Project, these are; Day Dawn, located south of Cue, Cuddingwarra and Big Bell. The project has a total estimated identified mineral resource (JORC) of 4.95 million ounces of gold along with probable gold reserves of 1.17 million ounces. A sufficient base to support the development of a long term underground and open pit mining operation able to produce up to 100,000 ounces of gold a year over an initial eleven year period. Metals X decided in January 2013, after a favourable feasibility study report, that the Central Murchison Gold Project could sustain a long life gold mining operation.

Central Murchison Gold Project has Long History in the Area

The Central Murchison Gold Project has a long history within the Murchison Gold Province in that it has already produced 5.5 million ounces of gold from mines in the area and is currently the owner of two of four gold mines in the area that have historically produced four or more million ounces of gold.

Metals X is one of Australia's top ten Gold Producers

Metals X is the largest tin producer in Australia with its major tin mine at Renison Bell in Tasmania. It is also among the top ten Australian gold producers. It is a major mineral and metals exploration and development company that has an extensive pipeline of assets, particularly in Western Australia and Northern Territory, that includes the world standard Wingellina nickel project. The company also has interests overseas, in Mongolia and Madagascar.

Central Murchison Gold Project adds Meekatharra to its Assets

Following the purchase of the Meekatharra Gold mine in 2014, Metals X revised its previously favourable feasibility study into the economic viability of the Central Murchison Gold Project. The acquisition of the Meekatharra project meant significant changes to the project in that it now had ownership of a two million tonnes a year processing plant along with significant infrastructure. The Meekatharra expansion added 72 separate mineral resource opportunities to the already existing Central Murchison Gold Project portfolio. The company has therefore developed a strategy going forward that will see the project being developed in a systematic manner with the overall objective being the development of a sustainable, long term gold mining operation in the area.

The Company has devised a development strategy to initially develop the Central Murchison Gold Project in a systematic fashion with an overall objective to establish long-term and sustainable production from the major underground and open pit mines within the package.

Many employment opportunities have been created with the development of the Central Murchison Gold Project with Metals X offering fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) jobs as well as drive-in-drive-out work for closer residential workers.

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